Mostly resting, catch-up with NG in Nepal, leftover meals, late night walk to the park [Thu 3]

  • Spent the day mostly relaxing and taking it easy.
  • Talked to NG who's in Nepal. Caught up on everything she's been doing recently.
  • Ate leftovers from the weekend for both meals.
  • Walked to Volunteer Park late at night, late to sleep.

A review of Manos: The Hand of Fate movie

  • Watched MST3K of Manos... and was very much confused by how bad it was.
  • Watched a comedy satire of paranormal activity. Oh god, it was so, so terribly bad. Like it was so very boring to watch, such a miserable experience seeing it, nothing happened!
  • Turns out the making of the movie was wild—he was bored and broke and wanted to one-up a director, so he decided to make a movie, a real thing to prove any child could do it.
  • One of the major characters, Torgo, is the creepiest, strangest guy on film—the actor playing him was constantly drugged up; most of his confused reactions in the movie are not.
  • That said, the comedy rifftrax for a spin is not my cuppa. Funny but,

I'm a social animal—that much is clear—now what?

- Enjoyed hosting four different meals so much—and didn't feel tired at all!
- My social energy is a lot more than I give myself credit for!
- Can be so much more aggressive with social outings but don't know where one would start.
- Some leads might be useful—such as tapping A.T.'s network.
- When visualizing wild social goals last year—this is what I manifested—and I got it! Roundabout but worth it!
- Need to do this as a monthly thing—do weekly things—teas over weekdays—and then expand my circles!
- Use existing friend networks—and branch out on them—and create my own! Expand political networks—tech circles—walking circles by hosting! Visualize ways to expand circles—to expand your frontier!
- Boss goal—host seven different groups in seven days!
- So many possibilities—just need consistency!
- Write different friend groups down—tap into networks.

Got pod app installed on watch—a few watch transfers of music—and I'm a phone-free bird!

- Finally got around to installing Wear audio clips playing podcast—Wear Casts.
- Actually a bit surprised how well it worked—downloading needs better playlist support—but here we are!
- Chews through battery—absolutely eats through them—mustn't let it go waste!
- I'm so sleepy as I'm writing this—improper sleep over weekend—and it's messed everything up!
- Will need charge watch once or twice daily—but it's hard forget—it might be useful do concentrated downloads all once!

Sleep issues are further diagnosed and understood

- Slept quite on time three evenings last week.
- Then the weekend happened and things went south.
- Thursdays are too noisy; so are weekend days—also busy with social life.
- Perhaps I need to overwork out myself to ease into sleep.
- I'm far too stressed out for Monday to sleep well on Sunday evenings.
- The biggest issue stopping me from going to bed is guilt—not writing, not walking, not meditating, not working. Yet if I sleep well they are done tomorrow.
- Sleep at 9:30—that's the bedtime; no excuses; no cheating—is the way to go.

Consolidating meals from previous days, college friends, board game afternoon, social jealousy, appreciated meal, resting [Mon 2]

- Didn't cook anything new; made Kakrosaadheko and consolidated all previous meals.
- WC, AM, AT came a bit after 12. We had lots of snacks; played the game Quacks. I almost won due to cheating—let a certain victory go due to honesty.
- Folks loved the lunch: fruits, snacks, and desserts. Also some good amount of gossip happened—I feel normal!
- AT is so social; has so many friends I feel incredibly envious of her! But I'll use that to motivate myself.
- Didn't do much else because I was tired after four meals hosting—napped in the afternoon; went to the park late at night; went to sleep quite late!