America calling

TaD was worried she had gone too far-- she was apparently Facebook-stalking some random girl on facebook and thinking, wow, she has THE life. I've stalked someone who's not my friend on facebook for the last three days, and I have extremely mixed feelings, ranging from damn damn damn, why am i not feeling homesick, man, I totally should right now,  to  ohkkayy, so that is what should have happened, so why am I such a creepy weirdo, oh dear non-existent god, and WHY do "I" have to be the weirdo,  to other thoughts.

I'm going, to college. This blog was originally supposed to document my experience of preparing for college and going, but I got distracted, and stopped caring, because frankly, I had more important things to do. So I thought. Perhaps I still do, but this can go on too. No reason why not. So it begins. I hope.

I leave tomorrow, I reach college in four days. In the days in between, I hang, have fun and whatever-- on air and in the eastern part of the United States.

This is not what it seems like.


Khoi k bhaa k bhaa k, I am told. I am not told that, actually-- I'm making shit up-- so go along please.

Pate  is bhaari, and so is the heart. It's not the going, no-- it's specifically NOT the going. I know, because I've gone, and I know how departure feels like. It doesn't feel like this. This is something else.

Nine months, we remind ourselves. And everyone giggles. Because, babies. And sex.

Don't go out with Russians, man, and no I don't wanna talk about it, says someone from the place I am going to. Not the kind of advice I need right now, but an advice nonetheless. Never poke a sleeping dragon's nose. That's another advice. You know how these things go.

Trees are green and mellow, your life is very yellow. Jaundice and Anemia, worst condition ever. Six months max, without proper sophisticated medication. Don't go to the states, because you won't be able to afford it. And besides, no one goes to America for medication. They go there for a life, right. Kinabhane that's what everyone does.

SO we giggle and wiggle. It's my first time. Aru manche ko second or third time. Maybe more. Come and go is cool, they say, as long as you don't forget to come. It's difficult to understand that, because once you stop coming, you're not coming and going in the first place. But don't tell it to them. It's rude.

Hatti Bun. I don't know. There are two places in Kathmandu with this name-- one's a mountain, the other's not. Don't ask me if either has Hattis  in it. The conversation will last forever. And it'll be painful for various reasons. Elephant Buns. Because you will be ignored. Duhh.


B's getting nostalgic and weepy, I think, and I understand her. A year ago, I would not have-- thank god for this year. It's just a figure of speech--there's no god--you delusional freak.

She posts all these fantastic poems and write-ups, and I realize my writing has not really evolved in recent years, even when I have written several thousand words daily for a stretch several times. But ceasing to write is definitely not going to improve things, so I'm back to dumping as many words as I can in one go. In a related note, Bu started writing, bu then stopped because people discovered her secret identity. I have no comments; whatever floats her boat.