My rants

I have been ranting too much about my personal life here on this blog. That stops now. I collected all my recent rants in a single post, so they have greater overall weightage. Peace out.

It happens to everyone-- a misunderstanding, that you can't dare to clear up, because then the never-talking-ever would extend to other lives to. So you are left with never-talking-ever for a lifetime. With people you care about, it hurts, but all you do is shut the fuck up, nod your head, accept your destiny, take a long breath and post posts on you blog noone else but you is likely to understand. It feels good to have people you care for, and then have them never talk to you never again, rather than people who you don't give twoshits about who will promise to never talk to you ever again three times a week, because, screw them. In the end, you sit in front of your computer, and start banging out the words, like Doogie Hooser, hoping things will get back to what they were( or the couldhavebeens)

Heroni is forever gone, for me, and life goes fantastically on. After two flame-outs -- this time someone who was not very disturbed-- I'm beginning to suspect it's me. I'll philosophize on that later when I am less busier. Zozo remains, and that is all that matters.

One city down, two more to go, and then some. Having the fun of my life, working the hell outta' my life. I learn more and more everyday, and if things go as they are, I wouldn't mind the job being the only life-- given it involved open travel and companions. Headbobs and fake accents are all the rage these days-- and then the hundredpercent exaggerated local lingo that shouldn't be as funny as we find it because everyone actually does that.
Ups and downs will come and go, but the future remains. And dreams. I have ever the bigger plans now, and I long for the day we'll just watch the bollywood flick with my American friends and laugh-- them at the movie, and I at them. Bengaluru was fantastic, but bollywood eluded us-- perhaps Hyderabad shall be better. I found that I'm at my strongest right after when I feel I'm at my weakest, which means I'm a robust dude on average. It's good to be home [for those who understand, irony totally intended] .
-6/9/12 1:05 PM

Heroni's drama
Heroni wont listen to the boyfriend or the friend (yours truly) and nobody else because the universe is wrong and she's not. Which is why one will not have a lot to do with heroni's life anymore because it's her own fucking life and she may live as she fucking pleases to and who the fuck is one to give her suggestions, because noone understands her in the whole fucking universe and only she makes her fucking life decisions.
-5/15/12 9:58 AM

fucking weird
this is fucking weird. things change around so fast, and the perspectives upturn, that I  can't tell where I'm standing anytime anymore. which is probably the universe telling me to start working!

And finallly, we are back to square one, right where we started. Old connections have reformed, and a few that needed to be won't, but the core remains, and zozo remains. all that matters.
-6/30/12 1:23 PM

Back on the track

India trip was fantastic, and now it's over. I have content, I have thoughts, I have emotions, and I have the pics I can make lewd commentary upon, so high-quality posts should start appearing again. My contemporaries have stopped writing, but we must do what we must, and that is what I am going to do.

I've become more active on twitter and G+, and deleted my fb account couple of months ago. Never have been so content.

Will be busy as a bee bumbling through the bureaucracy for the next semester, so I'm hoping the productivity's going to go up then. I seem to have lost my snark, and that worries me, but I'm hoping that's leading to serious writings-- there are serious things that need to be said and heard and understood and argued over.

I have no idea, and as Zozo's fav the Weepies say, the world spins madly on.