Again, and again and again

And again and again
Stupid stupid stupid

Damn emotional component of human psyche

Things that worry

That my punctuations may carry unintended meaning worries me so much I have stopped putting punctuation in my text messages

Does period mean curtness.
Do two periods mean confusion..
And does the ellipse really mean there's more...
I don't know

I dont care, really

Recommended Books

The Hindus by Wendy Doniger
Bossypants by Tina Fey

Other books.

Why don't I write anymore?

Archival Notice

This blog is being renamed and archived. It will stay in this url, but content won't be added to it. Everything goes to the new blog.

PS: I posted a similar version of this post earlier, so I'm merging the two. The earlier version is below.

This blog has outlived itself.

P said it first. It was then A, P, and then Z. Not in exactly as many words, but one has to figure.

That doesn't mean the posts are going to be deleted on a rampage, but rather this is going to be an archive of what-was. It doesn't mean that I have 'grown disillusioned' with 'blogging' either [what a ridiculous concept, that]. I need more space, and one url is not enough for everything I want to show and tell. Jokes, amirite.

The problem, as I see it, is that the two very different interests and aspirations of mine clash here, and they wont consolidate. No matter – more blogs will be created.

For those still interested, I'll have couple of new specialty blogs around. You'll find them. This will be polished, shined, sharpened whenever I feel like. It will be a historical collection. All the self-referential posts will be removed, and this will be the final one to go. Sort of like

I'm not important enough to be heard – yet – but I am around on twitter [you know it!] and G+. Facebook is for grandparents.

This is the last post here... until it's deleted.

See you at the other side of the pond.


To the readers of my previous blog: The old blog has moved to a new url, and this is a new blog.