Up, up and ahead

Person or persons one has crushlet(s?) on write, with conviction and effort, paying attention to the quality of the output. And therein one has found a new direction: elements of shame will come into play (dear gawwwd I'm a terrible poet) and so will the desire to impress, and to prove oneself. Which means there will be more editing, more thinking (lolz), actual commitment to quality, and attention to subtext. Since products are not particularly good by themselves, even more experiemental  stuff might be produced, so there's nothing similar to compare against? We will see.

For now, it's up, up and ahead.


This is going to be a long PS.

During a conversation with AyD that happened a long time ago, she mentioned a coworker who liked her, and I later referred to it as a 'crush'. To which she said 'Crush re. Hah, what are we, 19?'. I mention this because while crushes may be a thing for hormonal high schoolers, we adults(!) do retain the rights to secret (ish?) crushlet(s?).

Angels in America

This is an interpretation of a photo taken by a friend. Credit to the original photographer.

The millennium is over, man.
The millennium is over.

We are free,
the millennium of subjugation is over
as we stare at these angels
these bright points of lights of the city
the grand metropolis of the cities
buildings and the cars and all, bright stars
they're angels
and this is America.
These are angels in America, man.
Angels in America.

We have struck
The goldmines of reality
Of liquid gold
And Lapis Lazuli

Do you see it, like i do,
the city of lights
Not buildings with lights
Buildings of light
Whose glow is eternal
Like all ours?
Do you?

The rock of West
Threatens to derail our reality
To a much more everyday
(albeit slightly exciting and happening, they say)
What is it?

A ship that crashed
Or a landmark,
an unfortunate one
would you say?

In it we see
the grand bazaars of the imperial worlds
Not bygone but those on the forthcome
Electric buzz buzzes by
Seduces -- really-- seduces
And with all this
we watch
mouths open, gaping
incapable of coherent thought
we see, we just see
and blank.

you say -- this is technology
We know, you and I and all of us
It's magic.

The Thaums mingle around with their pals
As they joyfully run around.
So they glow, bright, brighter, even brighter
Red, orange yellow and white
And then as things are well done
A cool blue.

Blue, man, blue.
Our futures ahead may be red and white
But they have always been