
Have I said this here already? I'm the sort of loser who's going to end up dating and ending up with his sister's friend if he makes no change to the current life trajectory. The more you know, right? It's not bad, or shitty or whatever, it's just a standard I would have hoped to have easily exceeded. Etcetera etcetera. How the fuck has one Allagash beer, the first one in many weeks, gotten me so introspective anyway? Right, sbk and SuBas are talking about friends getting married, and I'm talking to Kr in West Coast, old married to her hub. Whatever.

Fermentin' and a-porkin'

Been brewing Kombucha for the last four months, and successfully tested the good stuff with a bunch of guests last weekend... They loved it! Doubling capacity soon, and will try to make into 'gifting homebrewed Kombucha' category. Exciting times, exciting times!

In related note, ready with the ingredients to brew chhyang, just waiting for the right moment (and unfortunately, container). It's gonna be in-cre-dible! Next after that, BEER! Wooo!

Also cooked some really good pork over the weekend. It's true, as J the coworker at my new company said, it's pretty difficult to screw up pork belly. Still, it was a style of cooking I don't usually cook in (with soy vinegar, soy sauce, brown sugar etcetera, yanno the deal), so that's marked as a resounding success now.

For more daring experimentation, reading up on academic research on fermenting milk with kombucha innoculate. Not entire sure how that's gonna work, but lets keep our fingers crossed!


I was (and am) obsessed with The Office. I've watched every episode at least fifteen times, and I listen it to sleep. Figured it was too much of the show.

So now, I don't watch it at home, but listen to it on my commute to and from work. Get solid three to four episodes out of the way, so that way I'm getting my daily dose of the office without wasting my time. Lifehacks, man, lifehacks.

July Updates

I bike to work in the city now! Solid 45 mins of city biking, but it's not awful, and much faster than taking bus+train.

For the last two weeks, I've been regularly-ish going to the gym!

I've not been writing or reading as much as I planned to, but that's because I'm lazy...

More updates to come etcetera