Some time ago, I asked for something from you, the people of the interwebs. And I made a promise.
To be more precise, I said this:
There's this one thing I really really really want. Like, very badly. I've done everything that I possibly could, and soon things will move beyond my control. So now I need luck. Lots of it. My friend proposed we go to Dakshinkali and do a bhakal. I have a better idea: I will now bribe you, the good people of the interwebs to pray for me(if you believe in God) or wish that the dice of luck favors me if you're an atheist. What will you get out of the deal? Lots.
First, I will completely own up to this blog, and personally reply through very long emails to comments posted here. Second, I will actually start checking the posts for errors so that your reading experience is better. And as a token of gratitude for getting me THAT thing, I will seriously improve whatever I have been doing in this blog. Like, seriously.
Also, if I do get it, I will be open to questions of every kind, and will provide the answers in greatest detail and accuracy. If you ask, for example, when was the first time I drank fanta, I will describe the scene in extreme detail, with special importance to the sensory perceptions. And other shit like that, you get the general idea.
So peoples, pray for me. And pray hard. Whenever you're around a temple, pray that I get the thing I so truly greatly desire. I will know if you have prayed for me or not -- by December end I will be informed about the status of the desired thing.
Have a good day/night/morning ( those time zones are rather buggering) and pray, pray for me!
I did get what I wanted. There are a lot more things (two actually) that I now want, but we'll keep them over for later. You did your part, and you prayed for me, and you wished for luck of the dice. Thanks. You're really cool.
So now, it's time to keep my part of the deal. The first part, it makes no sense anymore because that blog is over, that part of my life has been postponed. So maybe, at a future date, when that blog is revived, I might do the things I promose there.
I can, however, keep the second part of the deal. Ask me questions, and they shall be answered. It doesn't really matter how weird-offensive-pointless-personal-stupid they are-- all questions are questions, and they shall be treated as such. So, go on, click the comment button and start questioning me right away. Yeah, do it!