A personal announcement, and thanking the people of the Interwebs

Peoples of the Interwebs, Hear hear hear

Some time ago, I asked for something from you, the people of the interwebs. And I made a promise. 

To be more precise, I said this:

There's this one thing I really really really want. Like, very badly. I've done everything that I possibly could, and soon things will move beyond my control. So now I need luck. Lots of it. My friend proposed we go to Dakshinkali and do a bhakal. I have a better idea: I will now bribe you, the good people of the interwebs to pray for me(if you believe in God) or wish that the dice of luck favors me if you're an atheist. What will you get out of the deal? Lots.

First, I will completely own up to this blog, and personally reply through very long emails to comments posted here. Second, I will actually start checking the posts for errors so that your reading experience is better. And as a token of gratitude for getting me THAT thing, I will seriously improve whatever I have been doing in this blog. Like, seriously.

Also, if I do get it, I will be open to questions of every kind, and will provide the answers in greatest detail and accuracy. If you ask, for example, when was the first time I drank fanta, I will describe the scene in extreme detail, with special importance to the sensory perceptions. And other shit like that, you get the general idea.

So peoples, pray for me. And pray hard. Whenever you're around a temple, pray that I get the thing I so truly greatly desire. I will know if you have prayed for me or not -- by December end I will be informed about the status of the desired thing.

Have a good day/night/morning ( those time zones are rather buggering) and pray, pray for me!

I did get what I wanted. There are a lot more things (two actually) that I now want, but we'll keep them over for later. You did your part, and you prayed for me, and you wished for luck of the dice. Thanks. You're really cool.

So now, it's time to keep my part of the deal. The first part, it makes no sense anymore because that blog is over, that part of my life has been postponed. So maybe, at a future date, when that blog is revived, I might do the things I promose there.

I can, however, keep the second part of the deal. Ask me questions, and they shall be answered. It doesn't really matter how weird-offensive-pointless-personal-stupid they are-- all questions are questions, and they shall be treated as such. So, go on, click the comment button and start questioning me right away. Yeah, do it!


Sthani 2

Sthani and her boyfriend broke up. He was a nice guy, and she's a sweet girl, so I don't understand why they didn't marry each other. But I'm not going to bring that up to her, because I don't want to be called an insensitive jerk again.

In started on the V-Day. I wanted to hang with them on the day, and they were like 'okidokies' with IT, but then I decided not to. Instead, I spent the day alone, stuffing myself with the fantastic burger you get in NewRoad. They celebrated the day as a couple.

See, they're both very nice people, but they're both weirdos to the heart. They've got their own ideas about non-conformity and the underground, and when they disagree, they clash. She's got three tattoos, of which I like the snake on her neck. I believe she intends the pun. He's too non-conformist to be the conventional non-conformist, so he won't get a tattoo. I see him sometimes--we have mutual friends--and we talk, but it's all blanketed in awkwardness. He's past now. Hers and mine.

Sthani says she's done with boyfriends. She adds "Or, girlfriends," giving me rather threatening looks, even before I snigger suggestively. But that's what she said when she was over with her previous boyfriend. Then she was back in two months, and that was three years ago. She goes to all these places which scare my weak stomach, and she meets different kinds of people, and she falls for someone or the other. And I end up getting sucked into her weird relationships.

Her previous guy was my roommate. I was not really good friends with her then. I liked teasing her because she pretended to get irritated. My roommate used to be with me at times, and he defended her. She liked the hunkydory knight who saves the damsel in distress. I found out they were seeing each other after two months into their relationship. We have been close since then.

Before you even begin getting ideas from books like Emma, let me make this clear: cool as she is, she is not the girlfriend material, and as much as I like her, she'd probably be one of last people I'd want to go out with. She's too... uhh. Anyway, I like her, a lot.

I called my roommate for what he was: a traitor. Two months, with my friend, and I didn't have a clue. In his defense, I was wound up in my research then, but that was still no reason to make me a pariah. He made it up in the following months though-- I got to eat everything they gave each other, and use the inedible gifts. I am never going to smell as good in my life again.

That fling was over in four months. That was the time it took them to talk everything about themselves and me-- the only common thread they had. Once they were done revealing my deepest-darkest secrets to each other, their relationship was over. And then in two months, Sthani began seeing the current ex-bf.

Maitidevi -- Photoblog

This is Maitidevi. It's not my home area, and I'm not going to miss it. This is not even a good photo of the place. But this is still Maitidevi. Because I have nothing better to do.

It's a shitty little place, with all the tarkaari waalas, with their green and orange and brown vegetables lined on the sidewalk, and women in orange and pink and red kurthas and saris and men in white and blue and gray and yellow, and girls in pink and blue and white and yellow and black, britney spears emblazoned across their chest, the unknown fighters in a battle they don't know they're fighting, not caring, because they don't need to-- for there are more important things to care, like what do they cook in the evening, or what do they make their servants cook in the evening, and how Rasmila has been acting so bitchy lately after being promoted, or about getting a new place to stay, because gurrl, you're 24, and you're in the most happening city of your country, and you're still living in a darned hostel and have no fking boyfriend to talk to when you are tired of acting your part, or or what the hell was Shami saying the other day about moving wherever with whoever, because he was pretty damn making that shit up, and it's pretty obvious he was pulling stuff outta' his ass, or about the damn tarariwaalas who have captured the sidewalks and that little weird kid across the street's who's gonna have a tough time if she doesn't start acting more normal-ish, or what the hell is wrong with the lecherous bastards in Kathmandu who have nothing else to do but stare at those damn boobs, even those damn office waalas and come on, this is 2011, almost 2012 now, end of the world as we know, and we're still living in this ancient age where a girl can't live freely, or wherever those lice came from, there's someone real dirty out there, and short hair sounds like a real good idea right now, with Emma Watson and all.


Everything moves slowly. Or stops. Because nothing is happening, and what is happening is an illusion of things happening. You want things to start happening, and you pretend things are happening, and slowly people around you start pretending it's happening too, and everyone's convinced things are happening, but mass hysteria does not a reality create. Nothing's happening in real life. It's all in your head. And in other people's head, because you planted in it their heads. Most of them took it in very willingly because they have nothing else to do. They do actually, but they want to imagine that being a part of the delusion is doing something. And it is so easy to do so, the delusions form a vicious cycle, each delusion fueling another set of delusion until everyone who wants to believe something is happening, is convinced it is.

Of course, Krishna said it a long time ago that everything's delusion, including this Universe. The only real thing is the truth, and the truth is the singularity. Of course, unless you're a Hare Krishna, you know he was making shit up too. Things don't work like that. Sometimes, things are real, not merely delusions, but it takes real courage and hard work to create real stuff, and not live in the castles of delusion. But we take the easy way. There's a third way too-- you manipulate yourself out of the delusion by deluding yourself out of the fake reality. Don't share the common delusion-- once everyone has their own personal delusions, the mass hysteria breaks down, it becomes obvious that things are not happening, and finally once people learn to live with their self-delusions, they start working towards making things happen. And not merely deluding themselves.

The Taxis and tempos get very splash-y during rainy season in Maitidevi, and splash things around a lot. You have to wade through quite some water to get out of the tempo in the tempo stand there. The tarkariwaalas are sometime knee-deep in water, the road more of a rivulet.


BabluDablu is back in the game. All this time he was away, we were supposed to prepare for his return, to stop his comeback, to stop the overthrowing of the system. Now that he's back, we are going to be tested.

Asti, we were told to not use the most obvious weapons. He'd guess them even before we attacked, and apart from wasting our precious ammunition, we would also be putting him in good spirits right from the beginning. Which, I guess, is not the right thing to do, since we're his enemies.

Blogger's new platform

I am using Blogger's fantastic new engine to compose this post, and something tells me I'm going to write more because of this. It looks like a very sassy version of google docs or MSWord, with oranges and grays and all the shades mixed in for this fantastic new look.

Well done, Blogger People!