Theories of Politics

The young girl who was shot in Pakistan by the Taliban because she wanted to attend school, and they didn't want the wimminfolk to be learnin', was a CIA agent. She had been planted in Pakistan so the US could interfere in Pakistan's internal affair. Like the curious case of exploding mangoes that killed the great light of Pakistan General Zia, this was also obviously all done to undermine the sovereignty of the Pakistani populace. Men & Women.

The royal massacre was obviously done by Dipendra. Because he couldn't have been the real culprit o the massacre. The Afghan government had just exported lifelike masks of Dipendra, and there were at least seven men of Dipendra's built and face (obviously wearing the lifelike masks) who were roaming around to just make it look like he did it.

The CIA, in collusion with the Maoists and the Indian intelligence agency RAW had obviously caused the massacre. They had provoked Gyanendra, and convinced him that Birendra was about to give all the powers granted to him by the constitution, who had then rented out specially-trained assassins to kill his entire family line. The CIA didn't like Birendra because he was a communist, and RAW didn't like Birendra because he was anti-Indian. Gyanendra, the successor of Birendra, was a great lover of India and non-communism until then.

Osama is obviously not dead. Osama was never in Pakistan either. How could the world-renowned wanted fugitive lived right next to a military compound? It was an elaborate hoax and conspiracy by the US Government, the CIA, and the Pakistani government who wants to hand the control of the state to the US to increase American presence in Pakistan. Just look at the drone attacks in Pakistan, and you will find out. India was at the heart of this, and coordinated everything. And Afghanistan and Russia.