Man of age

Get a job now,
they say to me,
a 'man of age',
kulli  of expectations,
unmarried to not-a-wife,
and father of unborn child.

Head held high,
trudge along,
in the minefields
of relationships
and the trench-fields of
those marriage talks.

Little do they know.
I am a deserter.

Head held high,
A man of age,
will get a job now.


  1. Replies
    1. Too many poems in my notebook. :( I wish i still wrote poems ironically. I have to read three papers for class tomorrow morning, and one of them has this:

      "Unlike state-centric political realism, the ontology of
      critical realism is not state but social relations and is thus supportive of sociologically
      based theories of IR, especially those of Marxists and neo-Gramscians."

      * I dont know what ontology is
      * I didn't realize there was non-state centric realism
      * what sociologically theories of IR, and why don't I know about them after studying IR for 3.5 years?
      * who is Gramscian?

      Thus the poem. The only person losing here is the morning me.

  2. Complex. :) Hope the class is more interesting than the readings. Non-state centric realism (hmmm..maybe something you could write about) :)


Tell me what you think. I'll read, promise.