Liveblogging a facebook 'stalk'

8:30a: It's raining outside, and cold, and I might have to bike quite a bit in this weather. I have exhausted every other social media distraction by now. Maybe I should check my dummy facebook to see if anything is happening.

8:37a: Ahh, timeline's empty. Yeah, I forgot I'd done that. Huhh, why do I have so many friend notifications pending.

8:39a: Ooh, someone I don't know. A girl! A girl! Explore.

8:53a: I've exhausted all the publicly available information. At least this gives me an idea for a blog post. *Accept Request*

9:10a: Omg, I'm in love with this person.

9:17a: I should send her a chat. Did she mean to add a different person with same name?

9:44a: She's seen it, and not replied yet. What do I do. What do I do? If I send something again, I'll look desperate, but if I don't, I'll be out of the equation. WHAT TO DO PEOPLES!

10:12a: At least she has not defriended me yet. Or HAS SHE? No, she's not, *phew*. How about now? What about now?

10:22a: I should send something. She must be a shyster.

10:27a: Naah, I won't. Just a question mark and a happy face. Yeah, I'll do that. She's seen the chat right? Did I check that? She must not have checked it.

10:33a: Would 'poking' someone you don't know be considered rude? Can you still poke in Facebook? It's been a reasonably stress-facebook-free five years.

10:39a: Sent! Question mark and happy face it is!

10:46a: Not seen yet. Nice. She will reply when she sees?

10:55a: With further research, it appears that ...uhh... 2011 was 5 years ago. When the original friend request was sent. Right about the time I was about to start college. Huuh.

11:17a: I have humiliated myself, and embarrassed myself and my well-wishers. I should just hide under the blankets for the rest of the week.

12:32p: Why has she NOT SEEN IT YET?!?

3:12p: So who was writing about when I was writing this? Confused...

A most embarrassing admission

After years and years of ambling around the reality of the situation, here's a most embarrassing personal admission. One appears to be disproportionately interested towards women with interesting eyes, frizzy hair, and large teeth. One wonders if this might be a sign of narcissism, as one would appear to himself have those features, bar the eyes. You know how it is.

Reading update

Now that this blog seems to have been most definitely abandoned, we can chat at a more paced level. Flirt, more like.

I've not been reading as much as I like, but who does, really, these days, with all the distractions of, of all things, New Yorker and McSweeney's. For the unaware, NYer has a reasonably decent Snapchat channel, and Richard Brody, the movie critic, is quite suitable for the format.

I've been working my way through Karl Ove Knaausgaard's My Struggle saga as of late. Began with Book 4 because it's the funniest, lightest, and the most readable one. I have the other three on my desk, with Book 1 partly-read, and will be done by the end of this month.

If you're into audio books, or funny books, or David Sedaris, his latest work Diabetes With Owls is reasonably good too.

Rushdie's 1001 Nights, I'm maybe a quarter way through, but somehow it's turned into my drink-and-read book, and I seem to be unable to fully enjoy without a tall glass of beer in a restaurant, alone.

Which brings me to the topic of loneliness. A really, really, interesting topic that I want to write several tens of thousands of words on. In later posts, if I ever come down to it. Is anyone else here anymore? Is it good if I'm the only one, writing to no one?