On the record

Let me go on the record as saying that I am definitely attending one of the best-ranked grad schools of my field starting this Fall. Exciting times!!

Has anyone got to say anything to me left anymore?

Quick note

I'm in DC rn.

DC women... Oh maaan, oh man. They're older (than Boston anyway) , smarter, have their shit together, and dress like they're playing a bystander in a goddamn NYC movie. Aaaand there's a deficit of reasonable men here or so I am told. For a man who can act reasonably and is not visually painful, DC is THE place to be

An idea for a good life

Here's an idea:

Get whatever gig you're currently doing to be remote. If they allow you, great! If not, tell them someone in your family died -- preferably someone who is already dead, so that you don't feel embarrassed when they really die and your boss wonders how it was they were dying twice in three years -- and then go remote. Go to a place that is no too expensive, but fun to live in, and --this is important here -- has lax open-container laws, ie, you can openly drink your drinks outside everywhere without inviting the wrath of the law enforcement. Done? What place did you come up with? Let's saw it's New Orleans. Great! Now move to New Orleans, or NOLA as they call it down there.

Don't get too attached to the place. We both know that you'll be tired of this place in nine months max, so no point in getting a lease, even though you know it's going to be cheaper than alternate arrangements. Besides, you'll have to get into gathering furniture and all that shabang, and we don't want to get into that all again, do we? But.. .but.. .rooneel, you say, I just looked up online, and for the same arrangement you're suggesting, I can get a single-bedroom HOUSE on Canal Street, that is like 10 min walk from the french quarter, and it looks sweet, ....(this is a work in progress)


Someday we will laugh over this. Some. Day.

And then it will dawn upon us. Dear Gods, ohshitshitshit, this was real. I mean, goddamn real. We were living a goddamn real life, and not like somewhat whatever, you know. Because we are all solidly in our mid twenties, and except for the lame stories that honestly, uhhhh, maybe I don't even want to know -- you know what, you're too drunk we should talk tomorrow kay, alright goodnite, sleeptight and if you need to puke, I have the trashbin right below the bed, don't trip on it-- so maybe lets save it for some other time (to some other people who might care) okay? Goodnight! There are enough things happening.

When does a pilot decide to push the ejection seat? When should you eject from your everyday life? When have you had enough money? We will explore such ideas (and more!) in the upcoming posts. Stay tuned, ya'll.

Ohh, here's something fun SB posted on twitter. I thought it was too...apt... to not put in here. Ta-Ta!

Girl:bhaiskyo bihe
Guy:khoi herda ta dekhinna ta
Girl:mukh herera ka thaha hun6 ta
Guy:k herera thaha hun6 ta?

Foot in on April

Before we get too far into April, I wanted to make a post, a dummy if it may come to that, so that the picture looks better. Is Anyone still reading this, or has it become my personal diary at this point? I know I get an average of 6 visitors a month these days, but those 6 hits HAVE to be humans, right? I mean.. hello? Hell-oooo? Peeeople? Anyone in here ? here? hereee? heeereeee?