Again, msg to su


Let's hang out you, Su? Yes? Yeah like maybe we'll get married but ughh that's for the future right?!?😈😈😈

Yes? I'd like to. Please😈

-The person

Things I tell myself to put myself to sleep

Look at the bright side of things.

At least my double chin won't get any worse as I get older. That's how double chins work right?

They're joking about 'dad-bod' these days, but it's *got* to be one of those things where you're joking at first to test waters, and then you go full force and are totally in love with the idea.

I have to thank the gods that my student loans don't have the same interest rates as my credit cards.

Whatever people say about him, he's not *literally* Hitler. Not yet anyway. So I have a safe and comfortable amount of time to escape.

No one's going to care about what a disappointment I am in the post-nuclear-war hellscape.

It's been suuch a long time since someone last 'ewww'd at me. At my face.

Despite the internet, there are still fools in the world. I mean... the election. So someone is bound to hire me.

It's statistically impossible for me to not befriend someone who has a house in Nantucket, and who'll invite me over the summer. Very unlikely.

Things get deleted on Snapchat, so my friends won't remember how annoying and clingy I am.

When people suddenly stop talking to me forever, it's them who's going through a rough time, and has absolutely nothing to do with me. At all.

It's gonna be fiiine.

I *choose* this lifestyle, and I'm glad I did.

How do you measure life? [Edit 2. Updated]

How the hell, in this world,
do you measure life?

Do you measure
With a thermometer
On your wrist;
the steps you take
and your heartbeats?
Or do you put
a monitor
right on the kitchen counter
to evaluate all the words
you've ever said?

How do you measure life?

Do you measure
the shots of tequila
the handles of vodka and rum
and the memorable, yet mislaid,
that were so much fun!?
Or do you measure
the evenings of quiet and peace
with friends and family
that made you think
life is such a Bliss!?

How do you measure life?

Do you measure
how much better
you are than
your fellow man
And bask in the glory
of conceived greatness
while you can?
Or do you count
all your blessings
just try to stay

How do you measure life?

Do you measure
All the A's
That hamsterwheel of unending grades
Or do you measure
the words learned --
pointless, ultimately,
in the end?

How do you measure life?

Do you count
the number of
friends and acquaintance;
or the number
of lovers
you have had?
Or do you count
the weekends of peaceful picnics
and blissful home improvements?

Do you count the hours
spent in blissful mindlessness
or do you count the hours
of aware nothingness?
Do you count the number of things
you create
Or do you count the
the many incredible vacations you take?
Really, how do you measure life?

Bro you are too much

ब्रो तिमी त सारै प्रतिक्रियावादी प्रतिगमनकारी प्रतिगामी जनविरोधी प्रतिक्रान्तिकारी परिवर्तनविरोधी यथास्थितिवादी रैछौ यार्....


He was the one.

He came to be known as The Dark One -- quite literally. There were other Krishnas -- Mr. Blacks or Mr Browns so to speak -- but he was The Mr Black. At the time when The City always meant Indraprastha, The Black meant him. By the end, only few outside the Yadavs seemed to remember Vasudev (which was also his father's name).

Draupadi, him, and Arjun, the were the three sakhas. He was a close friend to all the pandavs -- he  had many deep conversations on dharma and justice and duty with the eldest brother, a liked practicing warcraft with the strong one, but it was clear to all that Arjun was the closest. His prior friendship with Draupadi helped, since she was also the closest to Arjun though she too was all theirs'. Draupadi was also a Krishnaa, and so was Arjun, and as great as her origins were and as beautiful as she was, it must have definitely contributed to their closeness.

They say she was the first to fall because of her partiality to Arjun. She had five husbands, and she should have loved then equally, they say.

Was it her that gambled away her spouses? Was it her that misinterpreted in the most literal and hotheaded fashion that was most certainly unique to Bhim her mother's simple request, and made her husbands' lives difficult and complicated? The brothers were greedy, and used lies and deceits when it suited -- she did none. She was the most pious after Dharma himself. Why was she the first one to go then?

Why did her sakha abandon her?

They are lies. No, they are lies. Draupadi did not go first.

Krishna, you understand, had to play two parts simultaneously: he was human, allying himself with the Pandavs in the great war, but he was also the highest god, knowing everything that was going to happen beforehand and making sure that destiny took its infallible course. He was the master of the Universe and all creation, but also the grandfather to a Musal (large pestle). So while he controlled everything, he was also an active (sometimes powerless) participant.


It was said she wore a garland of her vanquished men's skulls. She was portrayed as dripping with blood, of her enemies, and also of her lovers.

She was Kali. The Master of Time. The End of the Universe/ Death.  The Dark-skinned one.

The portrayal of her that is most common has her standing on top of a copulating couple -- Kamdev and his wife -- as she holds her own disbodied head in one hand, and drinks from the stream of blood springing from her neck.

It was difficult.

We were in love. No, that's not right. I was in love. Like the Universe, she just was.