At TIA, departing for Boston

It's 1.55 pm Boston time Thursday. Which means it's 12.40 in the morning in Kathmandu. I'm at the airport waiting for the flight to Doha, eventually ending in Boston. If everything goes by plan I'll have landed in Boston within twenty four hours, almost to the dot.

Big journeys are times for reflection and planning since there's not much else you can do anyway. There's a lot of material to reflect upon, with all that month-long pretty happening vacation. Plans were made, life is to be realigned. There's no question of if I'll live by them because I've already committed to them.

These are exciting times, really, all about making the jump and bracing for the cold, hard, bitter, biting water, plunging deep into the darkness, gasping for air, to regain orientation and swim on the surface. Thrive, not just swim.

Not feeling like writing fiction today, need to deprive myself of sleep for the first leg of the journey so I'm on Boston time mentally. Holding off sleep for just five hours would be an achievement since I've been known to go to sleep at 7pm on regular non-travel days.

Seven hours to fly back

Flight back to Boston in seven hours. I'm sleeping to get the cycles right, so I don't sleep on the first flight. It's never worked out ever, still doesn't hurt to try and be hopeful.

Will be back to my regular writing schedule (and the workout schedule) as soon as I'm in Boston. Vacation was cool and relaxing and all, order must run the day.

So much to catch up on

Okay so half of one day (Wednesday) I took it easy because I needed rest and sleep to align my sleep cycle. Thursday morning I packed and headed to the airport. Lost the other half of Thursday due to moving ahead timezone by 12 hours. It's 5.05 in the evening in Singapore time (still getting ready to fly from Tokyo) which means the day would have barely begun back 'home' in Boston. And now it's almost ended. Sigh. So now I need to cover up for Thursday and Friday, and then post for Saturday too. Whatever.

lots of things

Too many things happening to comprehend really.  Will catch you guys after. Byeee. Living the good life in Singapore, leaving for Kathmand tomorrow. Should be good.