The Dubious Connection

My roommate (who shall remain nameless, but the new one) spends a lot of time talking on the phone—allegedly always with some girl or other. Even during exam time, his phone conversations are staple sources of exam-time entertainment for our neighborhood. We comment, make guesses, and hypothesize about what he could be talking about, and then after he is done, discuss in detail about the things that were discussed. To anyone who’s not sure what to do during the exam time: this is probably one of the best forms of entertainment there is; try it and you will fall in love.
However, I am not sure if he really talks to the people he claims to, or it’s all inside in his head. In real-life conversations (that is, non-phone conversations) with girls, he is not usually that flirtatious, and at times even I find his attempt painfully misguided. On the other hand, during his phone conversations, he becomes a suave, charming man, who can mold the conversation like a skilled artisan and make the other person go along. He can discuss philosophical treatises to French wine to classical music to cutting-edge science with almost no effort. Actually, he does none of that, but every girl who is at the other side of the phone seems to think so. He becomes the James Bond of conversation, and she, his bond girl.
So the conversations should translate into real-life events. But they never do. If everyone he talks to finds him so charming, why does no one want to meet him in real life? I have tried tricking, coaxing, and even blackmailing him into meeting people he talks to on the phone, but my plans have always been foiled. They simply do not work. Sometimes it’s him, sometimes it’s her, and sometimes it seems that they just want to talk on the phone and never meet each other, ever.
Which makes me suspicious. Are the girls he talks to on the phone real, or are they just figments of his imagination that whip out interesting conversation to entertain us? What’s surreal is that his characters are very specific—like someone in 12th class of so-and-s0 school, with this-and-that history. He seems to know the entire life history of every one of those girls he talks to. Perhaps, in trying to hide his lies by being too specific he has gone too far, and will be discovered whenever I decide to check on anyone? Maybe. But I am not checking, because this is just too much fun.
Oh and he does have real friends who are girls he talks to at nights, but they are different. Their existence is verified, and they would probably be interested. By those girls, I am implying those where there’s apparently some sort of competition of some kind.