Dummy Post

Post created solely for including the profile pictures inside blogger domain. Created on Feb 20 2011.

Farewell to the Creaky Door--Things as they are 9

The old trusty Creaky Door that we have lived with over a year now is no more. We will miss you, dear old creaky door!
Our door started creaking less than two months after we moved in, but we were not too concerned about it. We soon realized that it was actually beneficial, it would inform us if someone was opening the door, without the need to keep an eye on it. Whenever guys played with their cell-phones, or had packets of Chauchau or coffee or biscuits, they could trust the door to make noise as it opened and give them enough time to pretend to be reading.
Until last week, that is. Mr. BLP was taking his usual rounds, and he came to our room and talked to us for some time. As he was shutting the door while leaving, he noticed the creak. He asked if anyone had oil. No one from our room had it, so he got a bottle from the next room and poured some over the hinges. It was eerily silent after that. It felt like we had lost a friend.

Yet another uninteresting Valentine’s Day goes by (MEH)

Another Valentine’s Day. Another day I expected a lot from, only to be disappointed.
This day excites me, for the interesting possibilities it brings. What if someone asked someone to actually marry and he/she agreed? What if a boy shouted ‘I Love You’ in a fit of excitement to a girl, assuming he was not heard by his friends, and the girl replied ‘But You are like my Brother!’ and everyone heard that? Wouldn’t it be historically hilarious?

And what if Real romantic things happened? No one is interested in drama (with small d) here. No stupid hopes promises, and being together, and other fluff of that kind. Even when people do get together, their stories are tired and terribly boring. Some stories that could have otherwise been interesting are terribly misogynist, so there’s not much there.

Thankfully, there is at least ONE interesting incident that happened last year that merits mention. It’s funny, and kind of romantic. The names have been changed for privacy issues.

Ram, Shyam and Hari are good friends. It is Valentine’s Day 2008. Ram is seeing Sita, though on that day they do not meet because of their tight schedules. In the evening Shyam asks Ram if he’s going to let the day go without seeing Sita. Ram’s tired and sad, and he replies there’s no other option. Then out of the blues, someone gets the idea they should go to her hostel to see her. Because of its absolute craziness, the idea is accepted.
It’s quarter to twelve at night. The three guys reach outside the girls’ hostel, dodging the eyes of vigilant(or not so much) guards and imsomniac teachers who are taking rounds at midnight. Hari calls Sita’s friend Gita and asks them to come outside their house. Gita is not sure: their duty teacher Raavan is still around. Hari gets irritated—here they were, at a very cold midnight, outside their hostel, and could they not even come out of the house? Gita thinks fast, and remembers there is no water in the house. They get out of the house, pretending they need a drink.

Ram and Sita meet being the pillars and talk for some time. Ram gives Sita something cute—probably a teddy bear or something like that. Meanwhile, the other three people are talking awkwardly, shivering, and wondering how long they have before they get caught.

They hear leaves ruffling and being crushed. They are done for! They will be caught and reported, and be accused of things they had no plans of doing. Their hearts are racing. It was a terrible idea from the very beginning, they think. Gita is about to break into tears.

It’s not a teacher. Nor a guard. It is just the principal’s dog. Everyone is relieved. It could have been a real person, though, and they could have gotten into trouble real quick. So they cut the meeting short and go back to their respective houses. THE END!

The Dumping Grounds above Us—Things as they are 8

Every society/community has its own dumping grounds. These places contain things no one wanted, or things no one wanted but someone could want in the future. That place for us is the space between our lockers and the roof, and it is scary.
There’s a hollow space between the lockers and the roof as there’s this cement structure that encases the lockers. Everything that makes the room look untidy goes into that place: Sa’s socks, his beddings, the shirts he borrowed from so many people but stopped caring for, the football boots he borrowed and doesn’t care for anymore, and other things we don’t want anymore. At first, it only had the blankets we did not need for summer. Then we added some old books that we thought we might need as references.
Then came Sa’s belongings. One day, he was running out of clean shirts so he gave all the shirts to the laundry and borrowed one. Something similar happened a month later, and a few weeks after that. He soon realised that instead of making his shirts dirty and risking them to the absolutely incompetent laundry, he could simply borrow them from other people, and throw them when they got dirty. He discovered that people rarely remembered who they gave their shirts to. Then things stated getting out of hand, and he started borrowing things like ties, sweaters, and blazers.
Now, everybody knows The Borrower. Whenever someone’s misses a clothing item, the first thing he does is check the dumpster of our room to see if it is there. Quite a lot have found their stuffs up there actually, so it has been helpful. For us, it’s a nuisance: we have to explain to them that we do not have their clothes ‘by mistake’ and that not all the lost clothing items are ‘borrowed’ by Sa. Lately, people have stopped coming to the room for clothes, probably because Sa discovered that his clothes were they most comfortable and stopped borrowing, so we still have a big pile of old unclaimed clothes up there. These things collect even though we give them to the laundry every two weeks so that they go to their owners after being cleaned.
The books in the dumping grounds are still kind of irritating, though. It’s hard for us to let go of the books which might prove to be very useful, yet they sit there, doing nothing, making our room look like a used bookstore, and inviting Bookworms and mice. We will probably let them go only after we leave the room.

Revenge of the haunted Cubicle—Things as they are 7

Last year, our cubicle was the least desired cubicle in the house. The water tank just above it was leaking, and the roof was kind of dripping, so there were black stains all over, which were later replaced by green lichens growing up there. It was dubbed the Haunted Cubicle.
Then, just as we were about to move in, it was painted. It was first whitewashed three times, and then three coats of paints (I pushed for the third one) were applied. Later, we would have that fateful lottery which would put us into the room.
In the beginning, I was not terribly thrilled to be in the room. The legend of the haunted cubicle still extended, and even though the flora (and most of the fauna) living inside the room were dead already, it was very weird living in the least desired room.
As things have moved on, the room has started becoming one of the more desired places. The last four rooms in our room are too big and smoke-y so no one wants them. Rooms on the top floor are too dark and kind of depressing so they are not terribly attractive either. The remaining rooms, ours and five others, are of the right size and receive more Sunlight than even jaadoo from that alien movie could ask for, and are near to the toilet (!). At the beginning, we got lots of taunts for being the room closest to the toilet, but luckily for us, we face the back wall and not any of the doors and windows, so that has never been a problem. Instead, it has become a popular hangout for all kinds of people—people who are bored, people who are sick of their drab rooms (thanks to the posterization I have mentioned in an earlier post), and people who are waiting in line at the toilet. It’s the place to be if you don’t know where to go next.
It feels good to have turned around the least wanted room into a popular hangout for people with all kinds of motives.

The Bloody Tale of the Broken Bed—Things as they are 6

I sleep on a broken bed. It’s been several months now, but I am not complaining. One of the thin iron plates that hold the plywood is bent, because of heavy people wrestling on my bed, so the middle part budges down a little. It’s not noticeable once you get used to it, though.
Under normal circumstances I would probably have gotten the bed fixed the day I knew about it, but my problem is if it is fixed, I won’t be able to get near it any time soon. Our cubicle gets lots of visitors, and my bed is at the most advantageous position, so it’s a popular hangout for people to sit on, and sleep, if they feel lazy to go to their cubicles. It feels really rude to wake up someone from deep sleep, so I go sleep somewhere else.
My bed is so popular because my roommates do not have public-friendly beds. The one above me (my bed is bottom bunk) is untidy, and since it’s up there, no one goes there unless really tired and bored. The other bed (the single one) is so untidy that it actually repels people away. Since the real owner of the bed is rarely at school, the one from the top bunk uses it as his dumpster-cum-bed, and so he keeps it even untidier than his real bed. So that leaves my bed as the Most Desired Bed in Cubicle 12.
It is still very popular though. Even now, several guys take a nap, or sleep the night on my bed, only to wake up the next morning complaining about ‘terrible backache’ and the ‘hard pillow’(I like it that way), and yet come back after some time to sleep there again. In fact, Bi, the expert in falling asleep in other peoples’ cubicles sometimes brings his pillow to my bed. Then I have no option but to sleep on the top bunk, scared of the venereal/skin diseases I might catch from the bedclothes or the wood.

I love my bed, broken or not!

My love-hate relation with Chemistry will end with a Happily Ever After

My feeling towards chemistry has always been ambivalent: one day I am literally siick of all the equations and laws and rules that seemingly come from nowhere, and the next day, after the test is over and the results come out I feel it wasn't so bad at all, and I feel like doing it again. It's like playing a roller-coaster, except one time the coaster might just fall off, even when I have the choice to stop it at my will.

This time I might just go for it, forever. Last week during the Chemistry class, when only have the class had come, Mr RT asked those present if we liked his class. Out of nowhere, all of us started teasing him by saying we all loved it and would become chemists, all at once. Of course, he did not buy it for a second and said, "Ah, you don't need to say that. Most of you are probably never even studying chemistry again." I knew, ay that moment, that I have to study Chemistry.

It was the hopelessness in his voice, the conviction that he was teaching a bunch of students that had really no interest in the subject, that made me want to prove him wrong and study the subject. Of course, it may have been his intention all along, to trick this students into liking Chemistry, but even if it was, I fall for it. I may have ambivalent feelings about the subject, but I know for sure that I want to study it. Well played, Mr RT!