Writings I do

I have started to write a lot these days. Even though m y blog posts are rather sporadic, I have done some significant writing on paper recently. Unfortunately, I want to lose those writings and start all over again, so I don't have anything to justify 'thinking sessions'.

I had recently written a sort of love letter for icubed's Valentine's Day contest. The first draft was rather bad, so I edited, until the 11th draft. After that, I just got tired of the piece and left it under my bed to 'mature'. Sunrose found it some days ago, and he thought it was 'kinda nice', so I might work on it again. I don't feel so sure about that piece though: everything in that 700-word piece looks and sounds so fake and forced to me. It would probably have sounded better if I had written about something I felt, but I realise creating a fictional identity to fall in love and write a love letter to is not a very good idea.

Oh, and I found today that very primitive versions of some of my writings that I hope to turn into personal essays have been making the rounds. I am ashamed. They are bad. I can definitely do better, but I am alarmed people got hold of them and actually bothered to read. When I write exclusively for myself I write illegibly--even more illegibly than my 'real' handwriting-- so that no one else can read. I must work hard to make my handwriting worse-- they apparently read every damn word, even those I really did not want other people reading until it was very well done.

I am also thinking about working seriously on the novels. I know they will probably never be published, but I feel I have to do this, if only for those who have asked me to put them in the story. I have a very interesting(hopefully?) plot in mind, but the writing will probably be too provincial. 10 years of living in ta boarding school with the same frikkin' people has taken its toll on me, so the best time to really start the book is way after I have left the school. I have already have had several ideas about the characters and the places, but of course, they have to fit into the story once I get started. I'll keep posting my progress on the book on this blog.

Since I am already talking about writing, I might as well write about my plans for this blog. I realise this has not been taking the pace I had hoped it would, and looking at the webstats, hardly anyone reads what I write, but after the finals are over, I will probably start writing daily, or something like that. Ideas come to me only when I really get into writing. So the more I write, the more ideas I'll have for the book, and essays for the colleges, and I can whittle away the bad ones. I don't really care if no one's reading me, because my writings are terrible anyways. Right now, at least I am not being ridiculed for my poor writing.

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