Writing from Docs

I finally decided to blog permanently, and since going to blogger is too much of a trouble for the lazy-ass me, I am now blogging from GDocs. It Rocks!!!

I know, to any soul who might have stumbled to this page, I have not been writing recently. It is not my fault. You see, I have been suffering from chronic encephalohematomacitis, which, if you do not know, is a word I made right now to denote 'I am really laazee'...

Since no one really reads this document anyways, I might as well discuss in details about what I am writing in the future... For this week, I will probably have two pieces coming: one on gays(no connection to one of the previous posts), and the other on TYA TV show. I got several SMSes yesterday(okayy, I got two, but that is still a lot more than most of you losers who are reading me right now probably get) saying that it was 'quite good' even though the same sources had three hours previously denied saying things they had said and I had recorded. So much for honest public, eh?

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