Loony theory of Relationships—1

Lately, a lot of people I know have been involved in some romantic relationship or another. That includes the very people few that read this blog. Some have tried publicizing their relationship as much as they can, some are very cool and casual about it, some have tried hiding it but don’t care if someone finds, and some will let the earth melt into the sun before they let anyone find out (Heh. Sorry there! I found out.)

I feel sorry for those people.
See, you need other people, right? You have friends for that. You need someone who you can share your innermost secrets, you have best friends. You need someone to err—have sexytimes with—you have hookups that never, evurr turn into real relationships. And that is all there is.
Granted, some people feel that they want to spend the rest of their lives with someone else. If the ‘someone else’ feels the same too, they should probably live together or something, but they should definitely not hang out together for long (PS: I detest the words date, boyfriend, and girlfriend, so I’m avoiding them at all cost). If you want him or her, live together, and then share everything in the evenings or weekends or long holidays, ok?

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