Wanted: A Thakali bride

There exists a suitable Thakali bride in Seattle. Known and liked by the people whose existence she is not aware of. Does not revel as much as she is expected to, therefore is safely--mostly correctly-- assumed to have the desired family values.

Greater Boston region:
Wanted-- a suitable Thakali bride from Seattle for a Thakali boy. Works in an accountancy firm in the city, has fun whenever he can. Will inherit a restaurant that's doing comfortable business. Will lessen his revelries after the wedding. From a respected Thakali family, dad worked in traditionally respected field of action, and mom is humble. Preferred that girl not be entangled with too many relationships from now to the wedding. Proposed date of marriage-- whenever the to-be groom gets tired of studding around.

Contact soon, before other Thakali girls start showing up.

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