Past me versus present me

Past me absolutely knew what present me (right now) would do, and took very strong actions such that my decisions were made much harder. Past me messed up: he didn't have all the facts, but had a whole lotta' bluster, and wanted to bind present me by very strict parameters. He didn't leave me lot of choices, knowingly. Knowing what I do now, past me should have made a lot more compromises and taken a larger share of issues, rather than putting the present me in difficult scenario. I would punch past me for very extremely specific reasons, though for everything else, he has been just as good as I have always been. Some days may be bad, but life is good. : )

Note to self: do not dig a literal ditch for your future self to fall into, if you know you're going to disagree with his actions. "Building character" is something parents tell their kids to make them do things they don't want to, and is not a realistic standard to hold yourself up to. The different versions of you temporally will absolutely disagree with each other, on major and minor things, but making life extremely difficult for your future selves is not a good response to the knowledge they'll make mistakes you know you won't. One should really learn to love their future and past selves as much as they love their present selves...

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