New year 2017 celebration

Not that it needs reminding anyone anymore, but this new year's was a particularly very adult and peaceful new year. With one particular exception when we could all have died horrible deaths, and the situation where I may have stolen from a shop. Good times though, good times :)

Falling skies

And when the sky does fall, one day, shall we mistake it for just another snowfall?

Things I wrote

So seven(!) years ago, I wrote this.

To quote myself:
That's when I realized that love stories are damn easy. In fact, they're the easiest thing in fiction. I mean, if I, who would be a preschooler if such things were the formal education, can spin such yarn, it must be eeeasyy-peasy, right? As always, Pfft, Love stories, sooo overrated....
This is when I realized I'm getting stupider as I age. I distinctly remember thinking then (when I wrote that piece) that I was getting dumber, and was losing all the interesting and cool thoughts and observations I had had when I was younger. I know I think I had had more interesting perspective on life then than I do know. So by commutative law of bullshit stupidity, I'm like really dumb right now guys.

The only way to prove to myself (and I guess, to the world, who I have massively disappointed. They expected a scientist, a scholar, a genius, a thinker, etcetera, and in return they got a third-rate computer nerd bullshit) that I am, not a massive disappointment is to write a book. Like any shitty two-penny book you'll find on the 'overflowing and undersold self publishings' of a kabaadi waala. It doesn't have to be good, it doesn't have to sell (that's what I got a super technical Master's for), it just has to be out there. Vain, you're thinking, this sounds like a vanity thing. Maybe. I have always said this though: I would rather be a mediocre writer than a good-ish whatever-it-is-that-I-do.

Additionally, I have to make my bullshit writing more readable and less uhh... experimental.

As a sidenote, I couldn't agree more with those opinions today. Sure, writing very good  love stories is difficult, but writing a bait of a love-story, to just rope people in is not that hard. (the only problem here is, I've never actually written a good/any love story that people have liked/appreciated. However, I have not written anything that anyone else has ever read, so with those standards, love stories are easier than other ones).

Onwards to the future!

Working out? More like dorking out amirite

How is it that everyone is trying to shape up these days? Everyone is one some sort of diet or another -- low carb diet, low sugar diet, keto diet, high fat diet (!!), Doritos only diet (it me!) and so on. I mean, I'll admit, I've gone along with one or two of those myself, but like, not like a cultist, yanno? Just like a normal person who thinks they can totallly go on a low-carb diet, because it shouldn't be a big deal at allll, and three days later, all they are eating is goddamn apples and bananas and oranges, and their stomachs are loudly crying for real fruit in the middle of classes and at work, and really, in the end, everyone realizes it's not worth the effort, and we are back to like, eight slices of bread and goddamn heaps of white rice every day. Aaaahhh, white rice, so much white rice. Enough, enough, enough..

But like, diets are reasonable, I think. Yeah, the reasonable sorts are not too bad, and often one even ends up healthier than they began with. The greater insanity (ahaa!) is the workout regimes that people tend to get into. Fortunately, the only workout regime I got into was like 'ohh cool this machines looks cool' thing at the gym for like two weeks every year in college. The streak ended everytime with muscles in the most unexpected parts of body getting severely sore. I would promise I'd restart in a week (ha! who was i even kidding) with  proper fitness practices, and the break would last on for like, ten months. Not even the opportunity to stalk Sa during workouts made me wanna go, and that saying quite a bit.

I bring this up because my friends are into Insanity(!) now, and it's so... insane, yanno? It is intense, and you're sweating your breasts out by the first five minutes, out of the total 45 minutes. I would have to be very heavily incentivized to get into that sort of stuff, is all I'm saying. Yanno?

Two stories

There are two stories (in particular, that I remember) of how much of a dunderhead I can be. NeK says she has heard one of the stories from all the sides -- four different persons involved with four very different points of views, and she thinks it's one of the funniest stories ever. In my defence, I didn't know what was happening -- I'm sorry!

The other story is pretty lame, but reminded me of the first one so worth mentioning here. I'll be writing them in the upcoming days.

Reminder to myself: The first story is about dirty french-Canadian hippies.