Mostly resting, catch-up with NG in Nepal, leftover meals, late night walk to the park [Thu 3]

  • Spent the day mostly relaxing and taking it easy.
  • Talked to NG who's in Nepal. Caught up on everything she's been doing recently.
  • Ate leftovers from the weekend for both meals.
  • Walked to Volunteer Park late at night, late to sleep.

A review of Manos: The Hand of Fate movie

  • Watched MST3K of Manos... and was very much confused by how bad it was.
  • Watched a comedy satire of paranormal activity. Oh god, it was so, so terribly bad. Like it was so very boring to watch, such a miserable experience seeing it, nothing happened!
  • Turns out the making of the movie was wild—he was bored and broke and wanted to one-up a director, so he decided to make a movie, a real thing to prove any child could do it.
  • One of the major characters, Torgo, is the creepiest, strangest guy on film—the actor playing him was constantly drugged up; most of his confused reactions in the movie are not.
  • That said, the comedy rifftrax for a spin is not my cuppa. Funny but,

I'm a social animal—that much is clear—now what?

- Enjoyed hosting four different meals so much—and didn't feel tired at all!
- My social energy is a lot more than I give myself credit for!
- Can be so much more aggressive with social outings but don't know where one would start.
- Some leads might be useful—such as tapping A.T.'s network.
- When visualizing wild social goals last year—this is what I manifested—and I got it! Roundabout but worth it!
- Need to do this as a monthly thing—do weekly things—teas over weekdays—and then expand my circles!
- Use existing friend networks—and branch out on them—and create my own! Expand political networks—tech circles—walking circles by hosting! Visualize ways to expand circles—to expand your frontier!
- Boss goal—host seven different groups in seven days!
- So many possibilities—just need consistency!
- Write different friend groups down—tap into networks.

Got pod app installed on watch—a few watch transfers of music—and I'm a phone-free bird!

- Finally got around to installing Wear audio clips playing podcast—Wear Casts.
- Actually a bit surprised how well it worked—downloading needs better playlist support—but here we are!
- Chews through battery—absolutely eats through them—mustn't let it go waste!
- I'm so sleepy as I'm writing this—improper sleep over weekend—and it's messed everything up!
- Will need charge watch once or twice daily—but it's hard forget—it might be useful do concentrated downloads all once!

Sleep issues are further diagnosed and understood

- Slept quite on time three evenings last week.
- Then the weekend happened and things went south.
- Thursdays are too noisy; so are weekend days—also busy with social life.
- Perhaps I need to overwork out myself to ease into sleep.
- I'm far too stressed out for Monday to sleep well on Sunday evenings.
- The biggest issue stopping me from going to bed is guilt—not writing, not walking, not meditating, not working. Yet if I sleep well they are done tomorrow.
- Sleep at 9:30—that's the bedtime; no excuses; no cheating—is the way to go.

Consolidating meals from previous days, college friends, board game afternoon, social jealousy, appreciated meal, resting [Mon 2]

- Didn't cook anything new; made Kakrosaadheko and consolidated all previous meals.
- WC, AM, AT came a bit after 12. We had lots of snacks; played the game Quacks. I almost won due to cheating—let a certain victory go due to honesty.
- Folks loved the lunch: fruits, snacks, and desserts. Also some good amount of gossip happened—I feel normal!
- AT is so social; has so many friends I feel incredibly envious of her! But I'll use that to motivate myself.
- Didn't do much else because I was tired after four meals hosting—napped in the afternoon; went to the park late at night; went to sleep quite late!

Weekday habits are okay; weekends are tricky

- Nothing to anchor the habits down.
- Been a realization for a long time; weekends be wildin', not in a good way.
- Have set up reminders in Habitica; hopefully it will get my days and starts tighter.
- Most importantly, responsible Friday evenings are totally possible; completely tethered.
- Goal is to leverage the motivation streak from Fridays into the weekend.

Aspirational social/personal plans for me

1. Reach out to university career offices and other resources to see if they can connect me to dream job peeps.
2. Be more engaged in local politics. Attend many public hearings, volunteer with local parks, and help plan for the organization I work with. Also have a hobby horse cause out in front of the city council to practice it.
3. Work with the local community college to start a new facility; collaborate with culinary students for Nepal thing.
4. Prod local public library to start a seed-tending program and set up 3D printing and training services.
5. Become friends with a strong group of friends here locally and get into it. Invite and be invited to cool things.
6. Attend clubs, dances, parties, raves with large groups of cool people, possibly musicians.
7. Date somebody I really like and am excited about seriously.
8. Go to Seattle municipal offices to understand what it takes to get the right permits to set up my business. Reach out to Bainbridge farmers to collaborate on meals etc.
9. Make large-scale brews for Nepali community for large events.
10. Invite serious people, older gen over for dinner; be friends with them and create opportunities for myself.

It's okay, it might've never gone anywhere anyway!

Let's be honest here
I would've screwed this up  
and it may be my fault  
to a great extent  
what was never in play  
to be real,  
was that really lost?  
We've talked  
with the gang  
and they say,  
hey man,  
kick the ego,  
it ain't much bud, be real,  
and get sniveling on your knees,  
begging for mercy  
which, perhaps, maybe,  
if it comes down to that  
one might entertain.  
Besides, what's to lose?  
It was surely  
never to go anywhere  

Travel plans for short and medium term

- Euro trip unlikely to happen due to annoying EU visa situation but still slight possibility during Christmas season. Europe in December vacation; Nepal in January is possible.
- Can't go to Virginia long-term in Dashain-Tihar due to drawing and gym classes. Will make one or two trips lasting a few days—compromises.
- Thanksgiving at Seattle possibly with California cousins.
- Hope to take things up to visit Texas by year-end but unlikely to happen.
- Work from Nepal quite likely in December.
- Solo trip and stay in Portland in September—I must!

It's important to have boys around sometimes, to give good advice

- Talked to a South Asian coworker yesterday at work. Told him about the texting situation. His advice was good.
- Forget ego, he said, throw the ball in their court. Gave a decent perspective on people worth pursuing.
- Even checked up after; it was solid advice.
- Often avoided conversation on tips and techniques as such with folks. But they know what works! They help put things in perspective. Practical advice is so much better than high-level theory-crafting.
- In the future, I'll reach out to providers of decent advice for an opinion, a perspective. Not much to lose, lots to gain!

Long walk to parks and cemetery with boys, trouble catering, fantastic evening hosting for nine, Nepal returnee [Sun 1]

- G F and M came in right on time. I fed them sandwiches and fruits, and we went on a long walk. Volunteer-Interlaken walk, then a round about the cemetery and back.
- Good convos, had trouble feeding M. His culinary options were so severely limited. The boys enjoyed the grains; was quite thankful for that!
- Ph and Y and M G, SH and N, A and S came in. I made multiple small rounds of snacks. Final meals were perfected. We had so many different desserts too! All the best to M, who went back to Nepal after 12 years in this country.
- Ph etc., helped me clean my place up!

My phone, headphone, scribe, watch combo is perfect; can avoid phone too!

- Loving the 3-device combo; phone's need going down.
- Can write in Scribe instead of typing on PC. Watch is great for health stuff and emergency music. Headphone helps clear my head from noise.
- Tried to listen podcast app downloaded on watch. Massive battery usage makes it unfeasible. Media player only maybe?
- Goal is not to need laptop eventually phone reduce wasted screen time. Getting there!
- Headphone is still hard on the side of ears but so worth it. Missed out on fruits of innovation far too long!
- Might eventually get a pricey Mac but no immediate need.

Habitica one week in - no panacea but better than everyday checklists

- Been slightly over a week since I started using Habitica. Want to write quick thoughts on it.
- Finding RPG style actually interesting. Invested in journey for my character. Losing points hurts!
- Most effective only when always checked. Some days harder than others especially busy weekends.
- Some tasks always pushed today-end like meditation. Unclear if I can design activities/goals to fix that.

My involvement in local politics will only grow!

- Have gotten increasingly active in local groups keeping track of politics and meddling.
- Attended public hearings, read agendas, understood them in context, asked clarifying questions.
- Get mad at how politics at the city level is so captured, democracy so compromised. Have told friends about the importance of local political engagement.
- Will 'formalize' and 'organize' my understanding and vision in these pages. Understand what is lacking in my planning and iterate until my vision is clear, path more solid.
- If nothing else, this helps me pass time and build a sample portfolio. Understanding complex, hard issues and attempting to bring about change is so fun!
- Might shape involvement in actual politics in the future too! Pie in the sky!
- It's so frustrating and blood-boiling, but one cannot win by exiting the arena!

My watch can befriend only one phone, oh well!

- Got a device for exit node.
- New Samsung phone arrived; has been set up.
- Didn't connect my watch as it can do only one reported device, and I'd rather connect to my primary phone.
- ECG done on Samsung connection but meh!
- Acts as a backup phone for 2FA security code.
- Acts as an exit node for my Tailscale personal VPN.
- Not drastically different from before but allows me flexibility, peace of mind, and tunneling capacity.
- Wanted to install Linux servers etc., to make it my VPN but rooting required in the phone. Nah.