The religious rite of rearranging room

Life presents humans with several occasions where they can change themselves, turn away from the 
things they have always been with, and start afresh. Such occasions make a wandering beggar want 
to turn to a good hard-working Samaritan, until the NewYork Police accuses him wrongly and outs him to prison for six months, they can turn a thief to a good person who will never resort to his old tricks and tools again, except when his fiancée’s sister/cousin gets trapped inside her father’s Very Secure bank vault, so that he has to break in to it to save her, or make a scientist out of an idiot. The religious and highly revered activity of Rearranging The Room/Apartment is also one of such occasions.
The process is initiated when a roommate feels that the old setting is boring and wants to procrastinate doing actual work, even though he probably has an important interview or an advanced maths test. He collects his roommates/flatmates, and if they are unwilling, keeps on annoying them by singing out-of-tunes songs loudly or turning the TV to a channel that is not appropriate to be viewed while writing an essay on 'Morality: Is it subjective to one’s beliefs or do universal standards exist?' The roommate, with no option but to tag along in the process of Rearranging The Room, agrees, and then begin a series of discussions and compromises on the best possible alternate arrangement of the room.
After several what-would-otherwise-have-been-productive hours of pointless discussions, and meaningless compromises that are not really compromises but giving up discussion on the topic entirely once one realizes the triviality and the pointlessness of the argument, the physical shifting begin. The chairs have to dragged around and not carried, so that the noise disturbs everyone living in the vicinity of your room. Once they come to check what-the-f-is-wrong-with you and shouldn’t-you-be-completing-your-important-essay-right-now, they have to be asked for help in shifting the room. They will agree, because that will be the only way the cacophony will stop. However, no matter how honestly they try to help, they will be more of a hindrance than help, moving the tables a few inches way of the intended place, and putting the bed in such an angle that you cannot catch the rising and the setting sun from the same position from your bed.
The shiftings will take several hours more than that should take, because the ‘helpers’ keep complaining about ‘wounds’, ‘thirst’, and ‘tired’. As the process is finally complete, the dwellers may open the locks with the heavy chains to let the so-called ‘helpers’ go their way and do whatever they want to do.
Unfortunately, not all will be well. The new arrangements would probably come with their own sets of problems, like the bunk beds completely blocking all the windows, or the tables positioned the furthest from the light source. Even though the settings will appear to be better for the first few days, the dwellers will realise soon that the original setting was better, and revert back. After a few weeks, one of the roommates will again be bored of the settings, and the process continues till eternity, or the day human civilization is wiped out due to the mistakes of complaining losers who don’t want to help you because they have ’finals from the day after tomorrow’ and tell you to these things ’when you have more free time in your hands.’