Fits of giggling hysteria strikes again

Has any teenage boy every reached adulthood without going through the sacred ritual of hearing giggles from girls and wondering if its him, and thinking probably not, but who knows, maybe its him. Maybe the zip was lose?

Its a tradition as long as the human civilization and probably much older. During the stone ages, when a gang of young hunters got ready to go out and hunt some animals, a group of fellow cave-mates would probably giggle, giggle. The hunting party would stop and whisper amongst themselves. Everyone, check your weapons, everything in place? Okay, what about the leather we are wearing? That's fine? Great! Lets do it. But the giggles would not stop, and keep bothering our young hunters.

By the time they found the prey, anxiety would have turned them into psychotic killers. They would not see the teeth of the Sabretooth trying to pierce their skin, or the weight of the Mastadoon trying to crush them. All they would see is blood, and attack, and attack. JUST TELL ME, YOU WILD BEAST, WHY WERE THEY GIGGLING? WHY? They would scream, drowning even the loudest of roars in loud fit of anger. After the animal was killed, the anger would subside, and they would go back to the caves, almost forgetting what had conspired previously that day.

In this modern day and age, it is not possible for human teenage boys to go kill endangered and extinct animals every day. The hobby of making animals extinct for fun is no longer considered politically correct, thanks to our judgmental governments and all the draconian laws they try to impose upon us. So now, there is a lot of anxiety among male teenagers about the nature of the giggles. Questions like Do I have a mismatched pair of socks? Am I sure I did not forget wearing pants today? Do I smell? Do I look like a clown? Is it because of my zits? have become a basic part of every boy's life.

Some may argue that the problem does not exist in the Middle East, thanks to the Burqa issue and all the segregation between girls and boys, but it could not be any further from the truth. Muslim girls are, in fact, even more biting at the giggling because they have vengeance boiling in their bloods. And since they are behind the Burquas anyway, they don't even have to fear of reprimand or retribution. The problem is so big that all the evil-women-laugh-tracks you hear in movies and on the TV are, in fact, clips of schoolgirls in burqa laughing at their male friends. See? You can hear all the hate and promise of revenge in some short sound bites. The moral of the story is, never, ever mess around with girls/women in Burqa. You never know what's behind the dark veils. Heck, it could even be Sirius Black's dead body which has never really been found.