What With the Site

Nimesh, Avishek, and I went to that new website's office. I was not expecting too much, but I think I need a table to work if I am to work anywhere. The design is cool, and I thought the concept was wonderful, as Nimesh had told me, but that it seems was grossly edited to make it sound better. I have realized that I need a serious job now, so I think I'll complete my CV soon and submit it any place that is willing to give me money to spend.

Also, to tingle my writer's senses, I went to Naya Baneshwor on foot in the evening, and my mother did not believe was was going there just to have a walk. I am planning to go for morning walks soon but only if I find someone to go along with me.

Bruno's download is almost over and if I stay awake till 1 am I might as well watch the movie and sleep. I was thinking about downloading Half-Blood Prince, but I'll go to the hall and watch it. For the experience.

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