Maobaddies and other commies to build The School of Hammer to crush the School of Rock

From Kathmandu Post:
If all goes well and the communists translate their commitment into action, a Marxist University will be established in Nepal. Some communist leaders in Nepal have taken the initiative for this cause.

“We have already started our groundwork in this regard and we are confident the university will see the light of day,” said Krishna K. C., Coordinator of the Proletariat Fund, a new fund established to collect money for the Marxist University and welfare of the proletariat. Both liberal and hardline Marxist have joined hands in this mission. Apart from this, they want to bring changes in the living standard of working people.

So the commies are making unicervities for their cadres to study in, so that they can chant chants about war and peace, freedom and slavery, ignorance and strength, while their children go to study in the best and the most expensive universities there are. FYI, there are the same people who tried to turn the knowledge of a gun-toting guerilla into equivalent of a Master's degree. They had proposed all their militia should be given certificate  equivalent to MAster's because they had fought for the people'. Even if they HAD, they certainly had NOT studied, but doublespeak, doublespeak. The good news now is, at least they now realize people need to go to Unicervities to get degrees, so that's a good sign.
The idea was mooted by Nar Bahadur Karmacharya, founder member of the CPN. “All are interested in it. They have also expressed commitment to support the endeavour,” said Karmacharya.

PS: Commie-red Karmacharya has an eighth-grade education, but he can solve problems only upto grade level five, becasue he has fought for the people. He will soon get a doctorate for warring for people.

Heads of various communist parties, from UCPN (Maoist) Pushpa Kamal Dahal to semi-under ground communist veteran Mohan Bikram Singh have agreed to this idea and so have civil society members. “For me, it’s a matter of pride to pave a new way to strengthen the communist movement in Nepal.” Padma Ratna Tuladhar said. Tuladhar granted Rs. 10, 000 when the organisers announced their ambitious plan. Around Rs. 2 million was collected on the first day of the announcement about establishing the new university.
Seven universities have already been established in Nepal. Then, why they are stressing on a new university? “The university will facilitate those who want to acquire wide knowledge of Marxism.” added K. C. “We are still discussing with senior leaders about the model and teaching method. But, it’s obvious that working class people have been targeted.

PS: Who is this 'civil society' and why are his views so important'???

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