Why O why, won't you get lunch with me
Even as I assure you,
I am not tricking you into a date, oh you!

Why O why, won't you reply to my mails,
Even as I assure you,
I really really don't love you.

Why O why, will you not call me
As I leave you forever,
And why O why
Are we not friends anymore
Even as I tell you
You are really cool?

And why O why, don't we hang out
All on our own
And why O why will you insist
On bringing in friends of yours
And my own?

And why O why O why
Do you seem ever so sad
For all I know,
It seems 'tis the
Greatest time you have ever had

And why O why O why
Do you tell me,
To follow you
And why O why O why
Can't we lay down and just talk?

And why O why O why
Am I so in- vi-si-ble
And why O why O why
All the awwwk-wardness?
And why O why O why
Do I feel like a pervert
Even as I
Have done nothing covert?

And why O why O why
Do I still care
And why O why O why
Do I bother

And why O shy O why
Do I write Poems
And why O shy O why
Do I joke
And why O shy O why
Do I forget
All the things I am told
And why O shy O why
Does it even even matter?

Stream of consciousness: six months into history

I had to write ten long-ish lines for a software project I was working on. Here's what I wrote:

this is a document that is cool i don't know if i am supposed to strip anything or not, but I think it
works fine and I am really excited to be able to be working on this wonderful project

cats eat dogs and dogs eat tigers, but tigers are very happy creatures while none of the other creatures of the animal world are like as happy as tigers and dogs and cats

some animals are more equal than others, but most animals are mostly equal, unless some animals have guns and bazookas to destroy other animals' lifestyle and cause general mayhem in the world

hashbrowns are wonderful inventions made of potatoes they were invented in the Italian subcontinent but were brough to america by the late immigrants of the nineteenth century

sometimes people wonder why other people dont like them and forget the fact that people are so annoying in general and if only they would ask them to add them to snapchat every damn time they met maybe people would like them but no it seems they are not going to stop

this is a long log of the captain of the ship where the ship sails in the seas like a majestic ruler out to get her rightfully owned resources in places like Germany and England and the united states of america which is surprising but not really or is it lol I am so confused right now so dont even mention it

I have written some seven lines and as I am not eating potatoes I definitely do not have the energy to
write all ten lines of them so we will be leaving the writing right here.


In retrospect, trying to live vicariously through others is not as exciting as I imagined it would be. Unless you are particularly adept at, or enjoy to a certain extent, the fine art of puppeteering people, the stories get boring. Certain stories are fun for the first time for their shock factor; once they are done more than once, they lose their charm.

If you have a friend who makes the 'at least we'll get a cool story out of it' argument often, take heed: the story will be gotten, and in retrospect it will be boring, quite in line with your storyline and will surprise no one. People will start looking at their watches, start snapchatting right as you tell them your exciting saga, and even friends will try to wriggle out of your stories.

Living life to get a good story out of it is no different than living life to get a good youtube channel out of it, or to getting good facebook posts. When you live for stories, the real stories elude you.

What gives good stories their power, then? Real life is certainly just as interesting as the best stories there are, for sure. Storytellers obviously matter, but the stories matter too. Just as you're not going to get an interesting tale out of reading a Nabokov novel on your couch (unless your couch happens to be in Iran, and you happen to be a pathogenic liar, in which case Iran is not a requirement) the most interesting tales are not going to happen by living purely for the tales.

Perhaps then, it is the burning fire of passion to live, learn and observe that matters, along with a passing interest in recording and collating reality. You can make a incredibly interesting life out of forging swords, or you could have traveled the whole world a hundred times over, and still have had a humdrum life.

I extrapolate here. I write these words with great uncertainty, fear, disappointment, and deep within me, strongly burning desire to figuratively show the finger to something or someone. That needs figuring out. You've not even seen the rest of my to-do list.

I asked a favor four years ago, and I do so again to the severely dwindled readers who still bother to check here. If you are a person of faith, pray for me. If you are a weirdo, ask for blessings from the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the Holy Kabballa Monster. If you consider yourself to be above all those stupid imbeciles, do they have no minds, they are so irrational, why can't everyone be perfectly rational and make good judgments like you, hope, wish, for me that the die-roll that is job-hunting gets me my number. My number in the die is like...12 . Soo, wish really hard for me to get 12 on the dice. Hold your breath for a minute, and the wish will be likelier to come true. Because, less competition.

Sleepy Seer's Predictions for the next Six Months

*Starts Shaking*

Three of a kind, will go paths apart, pairs of birds, all on their own. Two lovebirds will be together, out of nowhere and surprising themselves. There will be a big occasion, a festive occasion, where friends from lands all over shall meet. This occasion shall lead to repercussions lasting far into the foggy future, unseen even by yours only. Lot of water, I see a lot of water. Green water. I see brown, light brown. There's an artist, a painter, looming in the not-so-distant future, waiting for the stokes of red paint. The artist will cause friendships, and an artist will lead a nation. 

There will be animals: a bull, big and brown, and a rabbit.

Commentary: I cannot even count upto three for number of friends who are in a relationship. The lovebirds prediction is very general. A festive occasion-- Dashain, perhaps? Is someone getting married? Hope my classmates don't start getting pregnant yet. Haha, of course, weddings with many young people usually lead to long-lasting repercussions. Or any event, with men and women. What about the water? Will it be a wet winter? A wet summer? Green water.. Hmm, maybe I am going to Australia? That would explain the brown, light brown... Who's the painter, who is excited for the red paint? Does that allude to a murder, or just someone who is good at painting reddish paintings? Will I meet an artist in Australia? I am so totally confused by 'an artist' leading 'a nation'. Perhaps, one of MaHa is going to become the PrimeMinister, or something similar? Or maybe Alec Baldwin will win NYC mayorship or US presidency?

Fking bulls and rabbits, they don't even make sense anymore.

Portrayal of the author as a dishonorable man, and other stories of bravery and cadence from the very mouth of our own local storyteller general

What are you thinking?
What are we doing?
What have we done to each other...

They say when the going gets tough, the tough get going, while the smart ones sit about, think for a bit, let the tough get going, and when results come in, take the credit for success, and blame the tough for the failures. And the tough will get going, because, lets all be clear here, the going will be getting tougher folks!

I mention toughness because I watched a quite disturbing movie lately. A couple of times actually. I imagine the writers wanted to shock the viewers, and put them in kind of a daze. For me, it was a series of reminders of people I know and used to know.  I know this person... Waiiit, that *totally* happened to someone I know!... That.. doesn't sound too terrible... And so onwards. If you've not watched Gone Girl, you should be up on your horse right now.

They say to write about something, you need to know the field inside out, so you know your subjects well and understand the nuances of different issues. They say, you must know ten times of what you put on paper ( or screen, as it may). That's all bull. If everyone started writing about only the things...

I can't do it anymore. के गर्ने? :( आई क्यान्ट राइट एनिमोर, नट इवन दि अन्फन्नी शीट आई युज्डटु राइट.

 My goose is cooked.