Why O why, won't you get lunch with me
Even as I assure you,
I am not tricking you into a date, oh you!

Why O why, won't you reply to my mails,
Even as I assure you,
I really really don't love you.

Why O why, will you not call me
As I leave you forever,
And why O why
Are we not friends anymore
Even as I tell you
You are really cool?

And why O why, don't we hang out
All on our own
And why O why will you insist
On bringing in friends of yours
And my own?

And why O why O why
Do you seem ever so sad
For all I know,
It seems 'tis the
Greatest time you have ever had

And why O why O why
Do you tell me,
To follow you
And why O why O why
Can't we lay down and just talk?

And why O why O why
Am I so in- vi-si-ble
And why O why O why
All the awwwk-wardness?
And why O why O why
Do I feel like a pervert
Even as I
Have done nothing covert?

And why O why O why
Do I still care
And why O why O why
Do I bother

And why O shy O why
Do I write Poems
And why O shy O why
Do I joke
And why O shy O why
Do I forget
All the things I am told
And why O shy O why
Does it even even matter?

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