Sleepy Seer's Predictions for the next Six Months

*Starts Shaking*

Three of a kind, will go paths apart, pairs of birds, all on their own. Two lovebirds will be together, out of nowhere and surprising themselves. There will be a big occasion, a festive occasion, where friends from lands all over shall meet. This occasion shall lead to repercussions lasting far into the foggy future, unseen even by yours only. Lot of water, I see a lot of water. Green water. I see brown, light brown. There's an artist, a painter, looming in the not-so-distant future, waiting for the stokes of red paint. The artist will cause friendships, and an artist will lead a nation. 

There will be animals: a bull, big and brown, and a rabbit.

Commentary: I cannot even count upto three for number of friends who are in a relationship. The lovebirds prediction is very general. A festive occasion-- Dashain, perhaps? Is someone getting married? Hope my classmates don't start getting pregnant yet. Haha, of course, weddings with many young people usually lead to long-lasting repercussions. Or any event, with men and women. What about the water? Will it be a wet winter? A wet summer? Green water.. Hmm, maybe I am going to Australia? That would explain the brown, light brown... Who's the painter, who is excited for the red paint? Does that allude to a murder, or just someone who is good at painting reddish paintings? Will I meet an artist in Australia? I am so totally confused by 'an artist' leading 'a nation'. Perhaps, one of MaHa is going to become the PrimeMinister, or something similar? Or maybe Alec Baldwin will win NYC mayorship or US presidency?

Fking bulls and rabbits, they don't even make sense anymore.

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