
Normal life in the Capital has been crippled on Wednesday due to the valley banda called by thirteen students union and nine youth union affiliated to various political parties protesting against fuel price hike.

-The Kathmandu Post, Jan 23, 2012

The students like to protest, and protest, they shall. While the Americans and the Middle Easterners are proud of their student protestors, ours are not so-- pride-worthy, shall we say? Political consciousness holds a very special place in democracy, and it's for certain no democracy can remain healthy without a certain vibrancy amongst its constituents. But the buck has to end somewhere. Our students take things too far-- way to far for any true lover of democracy to be comfortable with.

To begin with, democracy is not the rule of the mob. Dictators and autocrats certainly try to portray it that way, but once a democracy starts functioning on the whims of mobs, people stop voting through ballots and instead take to rioting to make themselves heard. Which is exactly what has been happening to us for the last two decades.

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