The writer is the medium, not the source

Imagine creativity as a sort of a mischievous imp, coming to people at all the wrong times. When you desperately need it, it will hide in the corners, and when you know there's no point in even trying, all your juices start flowing in the hyperdrive. The biggest fear writers have is fro mothers, and readers. Mothers, because--well dads understand. Moms are usually less--understanding -- of the display of one's craft.

Which i not to say sometimes, when you need to be hit by the proverbial apple, you will not be hit. It's just that out of a hundred times, you will get inspiration only say, 7 times. The trick is to, of course, write all the time. That works in two ways: first, it improves your strike rate, and second, since you're hitting so often, you are bound to strike more often. There are some geniuses, of course, whose every piece of writing is inspired and fantastic, but the normal mortals such as us have to go the hard way.

The biggest mistake novice writers make is trying to look for their voice. You cannot decide what your writing will be-- your writing decides what the voice of your writing will be. If you try forcing the desired voice in your writings, the readers will immediately feel something is wrong. They will not be sure what's wrong, but they will know something  is definitely wrong. And that is the end of one's career as a writer.

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