Update reports re: Projects

Once upon a time a guy dreamed he would use his downtime in Ghana to write a novel. That novel wouldn't be very good, but it wouldn't have to be. He would just have to complete it, get it done, bhayo, over, sakkiyo, now I can go home, khaale, and he would have written a novel. You would have known someone who was a novelist-- an unpublished one but a novelist nevertheless.

That would have been me.

That's not happening. Don't get your hopes high.

My thought-processes have been growing evolving. It's not a conscious action but I can sometime feel it sneak into my consciousness. Say we have a problem that needs to be figured out, and I think of a solution. The first thought that pops up is 'why did I think of that, did I really think that, wow.'
More of life needs to be seen and critiqued to write a novel that's not going to embarrass me. The observations are insufficient and limited to a severely restricted domain. That needs to be worked upon. The world needs to be seen in terms of more than the middle-and upper-middle class lifestyle.

More importantly I have been working on my personal computer science projects. You can look them up online (find them if you can). The thing with that kind of stuff is, you need to put a lot of thought and time in it. It's like thinking math and writing poetry. During my classes I try to come up with less-inefficient algorithms; the first thoughts I have in the morning are those of wonder if the algorithm I thought over the night might work. That has left me with very little time for everything else.

[For those interested, Topic 1: I'm tracking topics of discussion in Nepal through twitter messages. I can tell you exactly when people started talking about Teej, when it reached the peak, and what happened when Maobadies bandaed the darr khane din. Wait I can't tell you that yet. I wrote the algorithm in my Theater notebook and will implement maybe later tonight. Topic 2 is more visual but I'm not ready to make it public yet. Topic 3 relates to ethnomusicology, which is a possible field of my internship. Topic 4 relates to snakes. Topic 5 is my fancy personal website that I want to code from scratch. So on and on.]

Writing is fun though. Despite everything else I have ideas for blog posts almost every day. By the time I'm next to a computer with internet they are all but forgotten. Lots of good ideas lost forever and this semester I also have a traditional West-African Dance.

I wrote a poem the other day during Computer Science class. It was about optimists -- all high up in their puffy angelic clouds--and how pessimistic they are about death. I end with a contrary idea though because I couldn't find rhyming words. Hey don't judge. If your poem rhymes it can also be used as a rap as Sam will tell you and that's quite a moneymaker.

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