Ups, downs and sides

Some days are better than others, some weeks are the worst. This winter was really bad in terms of energy and how much of it was spent napping. I do love the naps, don't second-guess me there, but there's gotta be a limit somewhere, you know? It's good to have some leftover energy to do things beyond that. The past winter didn't leave any for me.

There are different theories on what saps people's emotional energies away, generally speaking. Some have suggested vitamin D, or B12, or even full spectrum light to avoid what is --rather unseriously IMHO-- called the SAD. Yeahh we're SAD jackasses, and it's the weather, don't be tryina be funny yaah. In any case, I started taking vit D and B12 irregularly sometime last year. It's hard to take medicines regularly when you don't absolutely have to, but when I do take them, I feel really good. It's unclear though if it's the good weather (and other external factors) and give me the energy and motivation to take the meds, or if taking those supplements gives me the energy, or if it's like a self-amplifying combination of both. Either way, I have nothing bad to say about those particular vitamin supplements, even though vitamin supplements are generally considered scammy, unproven and suspicion science.

I had energy to write four posts last week, and it's midweek already this week and I hadn't written anything. There have been no personal projects either. Perhaps because I didn't take my supplements this week? It's unclear. I'd really like to see how my mood and other variables that affect me influence how much writing I do and how much time I spend on personal projects.

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