Media in Nepal: The right, the wrong, and the messed-up--IV

continuation of the series of post on the situation of Nepali media

The Supplement Addition-I
In this two-part sub-series of posts, I will discuss how adding supplements to English newspapers in Nepal has affected the readership, sales and the overall scenario.

Newspapers supplements have been brought out sporadically ever since the time of the Rising Nepal. However, they got more regular only after  THT and TKP started bringing theirs.

THT started bringing its corporate supplement Perspectives first. Printed in a different grade and colour of paper, it was a remarkable contrast over its main paper, and differentiated itself quickly. Encouraged by the success of the supplement, THT then started bringing TGIF(Thank God It's Friday) as a weekly party-oriented success. In addition, it started bringing out the 'Gossip' page, with news of international celebrities.

To counter that, TKP started its own daily supplement, CityPost. It was printed and pressed separately from the main paper, and made it clear it was something different. However, after the King's coup, the paper reduced to pages, and the City Post was all but dead. Somewhere around 2008, the management decided to bring back City Post. It was a bad, bad decision.

The newspaper obviously did not have enough staff and material to bring out a four-page supplement. Most articles in the supplement gad really low standards, were rarely checked for grammatical or spelling error, and it seemed the design was left to the interns. Day after day, week after week, the supplement dragged on, hurting everyone who ever cared proper language and standards. be continued

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