Feb 21

I spent most of my today doing my computer science assignment. And I am just getting started.

B got in touch in the morning, and we're friends again Was late for the class because the talk with B turned out to be longer than anticipated, and then unnecessary complications arose in my first class. I went the honest way, and everything worked out well.

Tabled for the tickets for an hour, and it wasn't bad. I realized there were a LOT more brown people here at tufts than I imagined.

Realized the importance and power of hair, an felt the excitement of having your long hair brush against your head and cheeks. I love my new long hair.

Prof. Denby's class was funny and interesting as usual. We talked about utilitarianism and euthanesia, and so on. Completed my assignment well within time and submitted. Missed the IO orientation-- will talk to the people later.

Dance, my babies, dance

Woke up early today, because I went to bed late last night. Worked for CompSci project for pretty much the entire day, and ended up erasing entire thing because it did not work.

I'm working on a paper in ethics due tomorrow. I'd have completed it earlier, but the computer science problem kept on distracting me, till I could handle no more. It's a fun business, though I'm not sure if I am going to complete it before time.

For most of today's evening, I danced with other freshmen at Remis and Cohen. The final day of the cultural show is less than a week away, and we're all very excited. I was not very sure of the steps and neither was my partner, I felt, but working on-stage with full lights and other performers cheering for you is a completely difference experience from dancing on your own in big rooms with no one but other dancers. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. We're performing on Friday and Saturday at Cohen, and if you are anywhere near Tufts, you should come!

My chore for tomorrow morning is cancelled, and I'm not sure if I'm going to be running tomorrow morning-- this paper is bound to take quite some time.

Had hall snacks at 10-- nachos and salsa tasted awesome. There's a big bag of huge cookies which is lying on the table in the common room right now, and I've had three of those nanglo-sized cookies already. Chocolate chip cookies are up there in the greatest inventions of humankind.

The story begins

Today, Will showed us his journal and said that he wrote down the ruminations of his daily life in the journal, and I was impressed. Ariel was not so much, because she wanted the credit for the idea, but they figured something out.

The TASA meeting lasted for two hours, and it was tiring, but worth the effort. People from my floor went to skate at Part Street, and then to some sushi restaurant-- I couldn't, because the cultural show is so near and we have to make preparations. I will be walking to Harvard Tuesday morning for a chore for the show, and I'm looking forward to walking to Harvard after such a gap.

PotterGirl is worried about her prospects, but I'm certain she'll figure something out. I told her she reminded me of someone I thought was really really cool, and some other things that might have made her feel too good about herself, so I tried ending everything with backhanded compliments. I just hope everything doesn't get into her head.

Things are still messed up with B, but I know they'll improve. I feel we're like really cheese movies to each other-- we're sometimes disgusted by it, but we can't help getting back to it. Except the cheesiness, because she claims she's anything but cheesy.

The computer science assignment is taking way much time than it should so I want to go to bed right now, and ponder on it with clear mind.

Will is still writing his journal, and I'm already done with mine. I'm sitting in the common room with Brian and Ariel, and they're talking about the mock-trials.

Thanks to J and S for making me feel good about myself to come back. Thanks to pottergirl for being so wacky.

Heavy Construction Ahead

I've decided to make an --ahem-- comeback. Lots of posts will be purged, and many edited into non-existence. It'll take me time, but I'll be back.

Happy Valentine's pregaming day

Hey you all A very happy valentine's pregame to all of you. Hope you pregame the shit out of valentine's day, and make it the day the biggest mothervalentining day ever. Bigger than the VanDamne day of V, or the V for VenDAYta, or V for Venn Daygrams.

Almosst there now..

My month-long plan ends in 2 days, and I'm waiting to get new habits started. I'm waiting. Feb 14, come to me already!

Hey bunny

What to do, bunny, what to do?

Tell me oy bunny, tell be you buming of a bunny, say say.

Sleeping dragon

Thank god no one took picture of me sleeping on the couch in the sleeping room. I'm a scared. Don't creep me out, general populace of the floor I live in.

You, reader, we are talking about you

Allow me, for a moment, to talk about you.

I have talked about myself enough-- my last blog of 450 posts was all about myself, and this blog has been exclusively about me. We've talked about you here and there, but you've not been featured at all, and I feel bad about this. Lets talk about you, shall we.

Who are you? Why are you here? Why are you reading this right now? Why are you asking in your mind why I wrote this? Why?

Are you happy? What do you do to have fun? Do you feel annoyed by people who use 'like' ore too often than they should, overuse the commas, and kill the language, basically?

Did you have a crush on your first grade classmate or the third grade Math teacher? When did you find out what you wanted to do? Do you know now what you want to do with your life, and how you want everything to turn out? Do you really?

Where do you party? Do you go to frats to get shitfaced, and get home the next day, sleep through it, and then feel sorry for yourself? Do you go to the bars, and chill out with your friends, and try to have fun with the gang? Do you party in your home, apartment?

Do you have people in your life that you love? An older sister, a loving boyfriend, perhaps, or maybe a friend from childhood. What does he or she do, and why do you think you have been friends for so long? What, do you think is the catalyst in this friendship relationship of yours? You should definitely ask her out, Trust me, I know.

Oh, I almost forgot to talk to you about classes. How's the class going? I know you had slight problems with the administration last year but tell me what\'s new this sem like? Why do you want to make a dent on this globe, and what makes you want to do things? Is it fate, or law, or some other inner inspiration, that you feel is playing with invisible strings of your life?

Who was that person you were talking to? Is he your friend? Lover perhaps? Or a casual person, if you know what I mean. Oh, you're not interested in that, I see. Yeah, not anymore anyway that's the way to go. We feel weird to write about stiff that's been passing around in the society for centuries, but we are ashamed about things right next door to us. It's such a strange irony, but live it with, we must.

Changes and us

Things that we find important change all the time. Sometimes, it takes us years to change our preferences, sometimes, we do it in moments.  This year has been the year of moments.

We like to live in the moment, but we don't want to make decisions in the moment. We now how it works-- because you want to leave it to the future us, because we don't want to think, to compromise, and to take up hard choices. So we delay, we don't try to change ourselves, and when we finally evolved, it's a result of years of hard work and small changes.

But there are moments that change you forever. You'd think they would be big moments-- the fall of Soviet Russia, the death or loss of a loved one, and so one. And you'd be right, for the most part. But there are moments that are otherwise not significant at all, except for that you decide to make those moments important. You choose-- unconsciously-- to make them important. You don't know why you did that-- perhaps it's the prejudices and the stupidity in you that makes you designate such moments, or perhaps events of some higher order. You can never tell, but happen, they do. You realize things have changed, and you feel the change in every moment. It's not luurve I'm talking about, so it might be a good idea for you to stop covering your ears and shouting loudly.

And then you change. Imperceptibly and first, but slowly those changes start having larger implications in your overall personality, and people start noticing the difference. And as the change grows more permanent, it becomes a part of your personality. The change becomes you-- in other words, you become another person.

We like what we are, generally. But we want more. We aspire to be someone whom we aspire to be, and the aspirations are manifested in our behavior. A slight wink, an imperceptible bow--that's all you need to know about a person to figure out that the person you knew is not the same person anymore.

Change is not always good. Change can be fore  the bad, and you can change for the worse. We've seen how things like that work out-- a cousin, neighbour perhaps-- who showed so much potential, and then went crazy. It's funny how people change. You don't know what is the cause, and what the effect is. That's how it works.

Satanic Verses

We'll be studying the Satanic Verses in the Qur'an class very soon. The prof. is calm, understanding, experienced, knows his stuff very well, and knows exactly how students think. It's going to be fun. As a footnote, I'm reading the Satanic Verses myself. The other day, I was reading it on my Kindle, and Wi asked me what I was reading, and I said very mysteriously, 'Oh, the SATANIC VERSES'. The room erupted into laughter. Funtimes, funtimes.

I am lagging behind in postings and photos, but you will understand. I will be completing my monthly challenge in five more days, and I am excited to declare the new challenge soon after that. Even though this challenge did not work as exactly I wanted it to, it's made me a better man than I was a month ago.

Love story 2

'Love stories are not meant to be told, idiot', she tells me, 'they should be felt.' What do I know-- I nod.

'What else, what else?' I ask.

'Don't ask dumb questions.'

'Why not,' I go, baiting her.

'You'll never understand these things, ever. You've never loved, babu, you wont understand,' she says, the drama queen.

'Yes, and you're the queen lover, no. Always falling and falling and falling, and hurting yourself, chyaa. Don't you ever get tired of tormenting yourself for no reason at all?' I just sound angry.

'Listen-- to love is to live, understand? We live to love, and we live because we live. Without love there's only people and boredom, geddit?' She is definitely flirting.

'Sexxytimes. It's the sexytimes,' I say. She knows what I mean.

Eyerolls. Exasperated long breaths. Several awkward moments of silence.

'I dont know why I even try, chyaa.'

Salman is my man

Reading Rushdie's forbidden works again. Such a genius-- I feel disgusted with my writing after reading him. After reading a tenth of the forbidden book I realized all my writings are notable only for their shock-whoring and little else. Decisions have to be made, and made they will be. I will gradually be retiring all my writings that are online. They will either get edited to meet suitable standards, or be eliminated. I'll let a few articles stay-- for their historical value, but everything else goes away otherwise. It will be a clean slate, so I may start afresh a new career in writing without existing luggage. Salman is my man!

Decisions, decisions

The registrar did not want to talk to me. It was the question of racial identity and pride, and we told ourselves that we would win it by the end, but what turned out to be was not what they said would happen. We were utterly completely, entirely confused. No one knew english, but we needed a language that sounded fearsome. So we decded tirikitt.

Here comes the sun

Hello!  I this created today, pixel-by-pixel.

Sthani, Part 3

She is acting strangely again. She does this every time something is bothering her. I told her to keep calm and everything would be alright the last time I talked to her. She told me to shut the fuck up. That was the first thirty seconds of our skype conversation.

She seems to be looking for something, something very specific. I ask her if she is looking for a guy-- she has been off and on and whatever-the-hell-I-don't-care with someone whom she absolutely refuses to talk about.

'What, is it someone old? ' I ask.


'Someone younger?'

No reply.

'Someone who does not happen to be a guy?'

She doesn't say.

I ask her how the college is.

By the time those two hours end, I know of all the affairs, cheatings, and maybe-will-happens of her college. I am thankful of that. She still does not tell me what is up with her.

Sthani says she has changed a lot since the last time I wrote about her.

'I read what you wrote on me, and I know I am a different person now. And no, it's not your fault, hai. Suru-suruma padhda it definitely sounded like me, and I felt uncomfortable reading those. Now they're stories about a different person,' she says.

I ask her if she has changed for the better. She takes some time to think. She doesn't know, she tells me. She doesn't know anything these days re. I am now very concerned. Sthani is the most confident, self-assured, and suave girl I know.

'Don't worry about me-- it's the assignments and the dhulo-dhuwa and everything else. You know how it is. I know your semester's very hectic, and so is mine, ' she says.

I nod. My semester has been hectic, and it's only beginning.

She is hungry, so she wants me to watch her making and eating scrambled eggs. As fabulously exciting as that sounds, I refuse. I am busy, but that is not why I don't want to watch her eating. See, she's is a very slow eater, and will very carefully chew her food. So the eggs would be an hour.


When I talk to Sthani a few days later, she is in a considerably better mood, but she still won't tell me what is up with her.


"That is disgusting."
"Unacceptable. We should stop this. This is against all the protocols of a humane society."
"Absolutely, we must."
"Ooh, look, the fat girl cries and the girl with beautiful voice is voted out."
"Damn, really. I voted for her. I had a thing for her. Think I can figure out where she lives. I know she's single "


Send your feedback to this blog in this post, or this blog dies. I'm not kidding-- I don't know anyone else who reads this, and I don't want to be that sad soul who shouts in the forest when there's no one to hear him, hoping he exists because philosophers tell him that no, you do in fact exist, even when you shout in the forest and there's no one to listen to you, because the semester is so heavy, and what the hell are you doing shouting in a forest anyway, aren't you busy with you maximum allowed course limit, or the fact that your non-class activities have doubled or tripled, and YET you still find the time to come to this forest, and shout? Wow.