Relationship Runil takes your questions

As a former advice columnist (I was the Agony Aunt who advised the girlfriend to smear her bf with dark chocolate and lick him to spice their grade 10 love life, idea was changed into 'talk to him about your feelings' by the supervisor), an aspiring columnist (you like Dan Savage? then you'll absolutely lovee Randy Runil where the r-word is in english), and an awesome human being in general, I am asked relationship questions by people of all ages, races, orientations and levels of attractiveness. So here I'll try to take a few questions. You're free to ask your questions in the comment section, and I'll answer them in later posts. Here it goes.

Dear Runil,
How do things work? I mean, I am an otherwise confident, self-assured and stable person, and I have gone out with a couple of people. But there's this guy, who I met the other day, who really-really screws me up-- or rather I wish he did, heheheh. He's single, and it seems ready to mingle, and I want to ask him out, but when I  see his social media profiles, he's like this awesome person who gets inside-joke-posts on him couple of times a day by his female friends, and he seems to be doing a lot of stuff. I know he's not too good for me, because damn, frikkin' James Deen is not too good for me, and I could ask that sonaofabitch out anytime I want to, but whenever I think about this guy, my legs start shaking and I never get enough courage to do anything. I feel I'm going to make an idiot out of myself, and he's probably not into relationships anyway, since he's got so many women and stuff... HELP!

-Girl With The Invisible Unicorn Tattoo


Do you know what I think when I see young couples getting intimate in a temple? I'm like get a room, you cheapskates.. or get a friend with a big house whose parents are not often around, you shitheads!

Anyway-- wanted to get it out of the system. To get back at your problem. GWITIUT, you should realize that you're an idiot already. So am I, and so is everyone else. Yeah, you're an idiot and a stupid shithead and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Having established that, there's nothing to lose by asking him out. You're already the person you fear you'll make yourself, so you should go ahead. Don't fear evil, for evil is here already. Quote me on that!

There's two ways you can live your life-- you either make a fool out of yourself and die an idiot, or you don't make a fool out of yourself and die an idiot. He's an idiot too, so make a fool out of yourself and reach to him!

About your James Deen comment, yours truly has a friend-of-a-friend who claims to have spent time with him. She tells interesting things, a lot of which would likely disappoint you. Sometimes, the idols you make out of people are big only in your head, and unless you're looking explicitly for certain things, you should keep them in your head until you're really sure. My unasked two cents.


Dear Runil,

Is it true that girlslikesextoo?

-mallock, 14

Dear mallock,

Please don't rape anyone.

The subject has been brought to the recent public attention by the book 50 Shades of Grey which apparently describes depraved female fantasy in graphic details. The interesting thing is that it's been selling like hot umm cakes, among women, specially the above-30 crowd. Which makes many a man wonder, how did all the women suddenly become so horny?

I understand your curiosity mallock-- cultural perception of female sexuality is fucked-up here. The other day I read in the papers that women in western Nepal don't complain of vaginal pain until their vagina prolapses and literally comes out of their body because they don't want their men to sleep around with other men. A female friend of mine was very disturbed by an Al-Jazeera video were a disappointed father calls his daughter a randi and shouts other obscenities at her moments after she is born. So under those circumstances, it seems natural for the uninitiated to wonder if women are even people, sexually, or just you know, baby-making extension of the male dick sexually.

It might come as a surprise to you mallock, and other people are to blame for your ignorance, but yes, girlslikesextoo. And I'm made to believe they enjoy it just as much as you or I would. So for all intents and purposes, girls like sex just as much as you do.

And to clarify things, they have just as much right to say yes or no as you or I or any man does. Hope that helps!

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