DC travels done

I was in DC for two weeks, and after what feels like forever (and possibly really was), I relived what 'hanging out with people regularly', and 'having friends' and 'socializing' felt like. And it was good. It was amazing. Oh maaan I loooove having friends, and I would like to have more, please, sir, a few more?

There was no upturning of the town, as has happened a few other times, this time. I stayed with persons who are generally more settled down, and would rather have a slow, mellow evening watching tv and hanging out with friends than upturning things up and about, so that wasn't a huge surprise. What was surprising was how consistent my fan-boiness towards DC has gotten -- see one of the previous posts where I mention DC's women as a proof.

Bars, restaurants were visited, and new friends (hopefully?!?) were made. Cats were cuddled. They're too smelly and hair-fally and needy, those cats, so I don't know how well we're gonna get together -- we have to watch out for that. Friends were met, and plans -- commitments, rather -- of much longer stay in DC was made. Hopefully starting in two/three weeks, I might spend months (MONTHS) in DC with friends, while I do my real job remotely. We shall see. As always.

Grad school is shaping up nicely. I don't usually pray, and when I do, it is often in same terms with the immortals. So I have kindly asked them to make sure that they give me the best of terms in this scenario (If I get lucky, things will be very good for me, I tell ya). As always, pray for me also. Remember that time you guys prayed for my undergraduate studies, and it worked? Yeah, yeah? Please pray for me again. I will be very grateful. If you tell me 'oh i prayed for you in real life, you know what I am talking about wink wink', in real life, I'll get you a drink, anytime anywhere. Even if you are not yet of the legal drinking age in the territory of the location. And maybe even a dinner, if it's in a reasonably enough priced place. I promise!

What else, what else. Ooh yeah, so I started writing letters -- postcards I mean-- and sending them to people. I brought a hundred (that's right, 100) postcards that are prestamped (so I don't have to buy and lick stamps haha, I'm so lazy right) and have sent a few already. I have been asking people's addresses left and right, and will continue doing so in the future, and some people are somewhat creeped out, but we shall see. I think it's going to be the future of communications! It sounds like I'm being sarcastic, I know, but really, I think so. Explanations in some future post maybe.

So now that I'm down to my social prison (wherein I don't have 'social'), I'm back to reading and audiobooks. In retrospect, apart from having no friends or anyone to talk to I realized this place is pretty good. I am my own master, have very little commitments, make my own timetable, and do whatever the hell I want to whenever, with no roommate or non essential personalities to question my decisions. Life ain't that bad, in retrospect. That would likely be the #theme of my life, haha.

I should reconnect with old friends, and work harder on making close new friends.

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