Line, Line Go Away...

Our mum taught us English nursery rhymes before she taught us not to pee in pants. That's why I have a very emotional connection with them(the rhymes, that is). With pants all wet, the best we could do to make mother happy was singing the nursery rhymes in our cutest and most incomprehensible dialect.

Thing is, sometimes wishes do come true. And sometimes, wishes that you don't wish come true come true. The same happened with that stupid 'Line, Line go away; Never come back again' rhyme. At that time, I'd think, 'Goo OoZtoa Taa aa maagaaa,' which is nonsense, but had I been smarter I'd have thought, 'Look at me! I'm singing like a rock star. Hm.. maybe I should have my solo concert really soon.' How stupid and immature I was then! My point is: I should never have sung that prophetic song. My childhood predictions became a reality-- Nostradamus' old-hood ones did not.

As I sit in front of my Computer typing this, the screen suddenly goes blank. Power Cut. No, I won't have a UPS, if that is what you are thinking. That sort of protection is for sissies. Real heroes dare to go to the battlefield without any sort of protection or shield.(That would explain why we don't see too many real-life heroes these days but a lot of their children.) The 'line' is back after five minutes, as if paying a tribute to my courage and bravery. Someone said we Nepalis are brave because we are stupid. That's totally misguided. We are brave because the other party does things like taking our TV & Computer away or cutting our pipeline supply of Raksi so much that we can take it no more.

Nepal is very rich in water resources, as you have read. But you don't know that much of this 'resources' is kept in Banks. This is why our tiny economy can comfortably sustain virtually infinite banks and we are poor even though we are rich. Sand and Stones come from banks. Sometimes, gold does, but that is rare. When banks are broken, a lot of people become rich but even more become poor. I mentioned banks here because we don't have electricity due to broken Banks. As Krisna says: If you make mistake, you suffer; if the banker makes mistakes, you suffer again, only a lot more.

About those rhymes again, the nation will progress only when we have rhymes suitable to our context. Instead of 'black sheep', we should be teaching our kids 'Buffalo Boffin'. Forget those cute english-speaking sissy fairies. Tell them of 'Ballu the Bangur' or 'Bahadur the Super-Guard'. If you are a progressive person(and not a regressive one), you could read them the adventures of Red Panther and ow he finished off ten-thousand monsters in a single blow. Whatever you do, never, ever, make them sing classic nursery rhymes-- we don't want them coming true. If you are out of ideas, make some yourself. A suggestion:

We Shall become rich, We shall become rich...
We shall become rich, In ten years...
Oho deep in my red,red heart, I do believe
We shall become rich, In ten years

Before you forget, change the diapers regularly. We DON'T want wet babies singing such songs of glory.