Terrorists are people too?

Uncivilised people give them bad names, but you should not. They are people too, and they have feelings, you know. The buzzwords of today’s civilized world are freedom and equality, and people should not be discriminated on the basis of their beliefs of their jobs. So quit cursing the terrorists, and give them the respect they deserve. They are no different from people of other professions like doctors, people in Tom & Jerry suits, and actresses in highly pornographic movies.

Ask yourself: would you treat a well-known pornographic actress and a well-known terrorist in the same way? Say, it’s a rainy night, you are in your vehicle in the middle-of-nowhere, and an actress comes to you in her tradition clothing, drenched to the flesh, and asks you for a lift. Now imagine a terrorist coming to you in the same situation in his traditional outfit (combat dress, rubber boots, grenade launcher on the shoulder, belt of magazines of AK-47, and an AK-47 modified for urban combat slung behind the back). Would you have the same feelings towards both of them? If you would, congratulations, you are ready for the new world of freedom and equality, if not—you have a lot of work ahead of you.

Why should the poor terrorist be treated so poorly just because in the course of events, he decided to make killing people, destroying infrastructure, and making lives of fellow humans terrible, a profession for the rest of his life? It is not any different from a nerd deciding to become a computer engineer, and going on to become the richest man on earth, or an ambitious young man promising to become the President, only to work later as a mid-level clerk with decent pay but no real future and prospect for promotion? They are the one and the same, and you must respect them all the same to become a ‘civilized’ person.

Some misguided people argue that a terrorist’s job is misanthropic—meaning, killing people is not the right thing to do and therefore the terrorist is not doing the ‘right’ thing. Well, who gives those people the right to decide between what is right and wrong? They are in reality, misguided self-righteous souls who think everyone should listen to their views and do whatever they say because they are the ‘smart ones’ or they can ‘make decisions’. Do not let those people fool you into thinking that they are correct and that all humans are not equals. They are actually fascist communist socialist Nazis who disagree with the idea of human equality and advocate for some classes of human beings to be placed higher than other, and some lower. Would you want to be on the side of those Nazis and communists who killed caused deaths several magnitudes greater than the actual fighting in World war II (Mao, Stalin, Hitler) or with the idea of human dignity and equality and the concept that all humans are equal?