Equality for All: Ingestion and Excretion

Human civilization has perfected a lot of things like space travel, and the process to turn all the useless animals parts into yummy sausages, but it still lags behind in so many important fields where real research and innovation is required. One of the most important fields where much research has to be done to make lives better is finding a way to make it possible to go to the loo during classes without having to be embarrassed.

Going to the toilet is normal. It’s not unnatural. Ok, I may have lied a bit there, as you may well know that the ‘natural’ thing to do is to get your body rid of bodily wastes wherever you want to and whenever you want to, like the wild animals. However since human beings discovered that having human excreta near (or inside) the kitchen utensils was more trouble than it was worth, they made a timetable and place for people to defecate and urinate, so that people would not mistake someone else digestive wastes as food and ingest them, only to create several magnitudes more of wastes themselves later on. For a modern human being, going to the toilet is as natural as it can get.

So if it is so natural, why is everyone so ashamed of it? Why do students and employees go far as telling that they are suffering from Venereal disease, but not admit to the fact that they actually have diarrhoea? And why does anyone ‘civilised’ never ask the teacher to ‘go take a dump’ or ‘pee’, but use all sorts of interesting but confusing euphemisms for the same?

The truth is, going to the toilet and getting rid of the bodily wastes as become a taboo in our food—obsessed society. Ingesting things has come to be associated with pride, and excreting with shame. No one uses euphemisms to say that they are going to a restaurant, or a McDonalds. A ‘Umm, yeah, I have to go to the Foodroom[or some other euphemism for eating], but I will be back’ is never heard but ‘Hey I am feeling hungry, are you? Let’s go to eat and talk over lunch’ is very acceptable. People should start saying, “Hey, I feel I have to take a dump. Do you? Oh, okay, let’s go to the toilet, and discuss this from the neighbouring cubicles while we take the dump.”

Just like the restaurant reviews, there should be reviews for the Loos of those restaurants.
 ‘This Loo has a wonderful noise reduction system. According to our tests, even if you fart as loud as a Jet plane taking of, the neighbour in next stall is going to hear next to nothing.’
‘The gas-cancellation system installed here is state-of-the art, and you will not find a better system anywhere else. Even if your bodily gas releases consist of smells with combination of rotten cabbages, rotten fish, rotten egg, and all other vile rotten living beings, this will absorb all of them like magic’ 

Despite our political correctness, and our general understanding of equality and equity, we have been unable to give excretion the same respect we give to ingestion. Let’s make it a point to change this for the better as our mission for the next year.