Confessions of an office

Confession #201:

Dear co-workers, I was the one who stole all the coffee the day big assignment was due. In my defense, they were really good.

Confession #220:

I don't want to point fingers at anyone, but whatever idiot put the big-boobied woman on the printer, NOT cool. I was two seconds away from ratting you out to the management. If you don't stop, things will get bad for you. You know who you are.

Confession #222:

Am I the only one who things Kelly looks really hot in the gray sweater? Come on fellas', this is a safe environment. As long as we're not harassing everyone, anonymous compliments are allowed.

Confession #277:

I left work and got a sauna therapy. I pretended I'd gone to the toilet.

Confession #314:

To the person who said " I don't think people should be allowed to wear super-slutty cloths for Halloween" : I agree. Unless a dude. Then the slutty cheerleader dress should be made COMPULSORY.

Confession #315:

Is this the right platform for posting poems? Guys? I write poems in secret, and it'd be really cool if you guys could give some honest feedback, you know. It's so hard to get honest-to-god feedback in real life from people. Since you don't know my identity, and I don't know yours, we should not be worried about hurting each other.

Confession #367:

Response to poem#7: Brian, you should stop posting those poems here. We know it's you. We can see you typing the poems on your screen. And I don't want to be mean, but your poetry sucks. You're good at doing your everyday job man, you should keep doing it..

Confession #372:

To whoever posted #367: This is Brian. I don't post poems. The poems are not mine. If you have seen my screen, then you also probably know that I'm working on the management's new journal for the department. They're all your poems guys. I'd be more than glad to post them anonymously without your names if you want me to.

Confession #375:

No thanks Brian! We'd rather get our poems published in the journal.

Confession #401:

Is it just me or has the general environment here started getting meaner. I mean, when we first started out, people were all nice to each other, but now with the things people are posting, I'm sorry to say but it sometimes feels like workplace harassment.

Confession #407:

TO the poster who said this confession page feels like harassment: no one's forcing you to look at this page. Besides, no one has had revealing information about them posted here. I'm assuming you're a woman: so if you think this is workplace harassment, you don't know what harassment is at all. You're demeaning the value of the word harassment by using it in unnecessary place. It's because of people like you that actual workplace harassment is not treated seriously.

Confession # 410:

The admins should definitely try to make this more managed. I have started seeing meaner and meaner posts here recently, and I don't feel as comfortable as I used to. I partly agreed to someone who said this was started to feel like harassment: this is getting uncomfortable. Lets stop while we are ahead.

Confession #417:

Anyone know where this year's Christmas party's gonna' happen?

Confession #421:

Guys, this is a CONFESSION page. You are supposed to make CONFESSIONS here, not treat it like a message board. If you want a messageboard, you should email everyone, or use the mailing list. Please don't spoil the fun of a confession page by posting your boring unnecessary useless posts here people. We need to keep this thing alive, for godssake. The admins should be more careful with regards to this.

Confession #422:

So what are you guys getting for the secret Santa. I mean, generally. I'm running out of ideas, and I really wanted this year's secret Santa to be the best ever.

Confession #426:

Someone left a big deuce on the gent's toilet. I have a feeling it has been rotting there for days. Don't the janitors come here everyday.

Confession #429:

Hey guys, this is Shawn. If you have any issues with the workplace environment, please report to me as soon as you can so I can help you at the earliest. I was not aware of the Men's room situation -- I might have been able to solve it earlier had you guys let me know earlier.

Confession #432:

I'm betting $50 that it was Shawn's deuce in the potty.

Confession #434:

Shaun's the man! I think Shawn's hawwt. <3>

Confession #437:

To the poster who thinks Shawn is hot: he may be hot in relative office terms, but he's not very attractive overall. Inside office, he's probably like a nine, but in real world outside he's barely a seven.

Confession #439:

Lets start a poll: Who thinks Shawn should grow beard? Respond to it with #pollShawn.

Confession #440:

I'll start first. #pollShawn. YES! He'll look like David Beckham if he gets some stubble.

Confession #442:

#pollShawn. David Beckham does not have lots of facial hair. At least get your facts right before posting here. I don't even think anyone follows soccer here. So NO. Shawn shouldn't get a beard. #noBeard.

Confession #444:

#pollShawn. I don't care either way, but new is always better. He should probably give it a shot. #meh.

Confession #446:

#pollShawn lol guys should we be doing this? Reply to this with tag #anon69 .

Confession #492:

#missyPrissy #yeahway #bigdig yes, agree. But Obama doesn't really have an option. With the republicans out to get him at any cost, he doesn't have a lot of way for bipartisanship. #crazyKoala

Confession #571:

Yeah, lets all do that. It'll make things so much easier to understand. #easytounderstand #missyPrissy #yeahway #bigdig #johnmyman #replacehastagswithats -@stinkaroo

Confession #611:

@bigdig It already feels like it's july! Gosh I hope we don't get hurricanes like we did last year. #noMoreHurricanes. -@yeahway

Confession #617:

@everyone: who else thinks s/he has figured out who's posting what in this forum? -@juleee

Confession #619:

More or less everyone. I'm thrown off my some random messages though. RT @juleee:  "@everyone: who else thinks s/he has figured out who's posting what in this forum? -@juleee" -@missyPrissy

Confession #625:

Whoa. Really you guys? I swear I have no clue at all. There are a lot more handles with female names than there are women in this office.
"More or less everyone. I'm thrown off my some random messages though. RT @juleee:  "@everyone: who else thinks s/he has figured out who's posting what in this forum? -@juleee" -@missyPrissy" -@stinkaroo.

Confession #642:

Confession: I gave address of this confession page to my friends outside work. Which is why there are a lot more users here than us.

Confession #646:

Oh my! -@missMarples.

Confession #654:

Not so sure about that. I have been using this forum as several different people, so I guess that makes up for the extra people from outside.  RT: "Confession: I gave address of this confession page to my friends outside work. Which is why there are a lot more users here than us."

Confession #670:

Anyone who posts here or visits this page has no life at all. And the admins have absolutely no fking life.You're all losers if you spend all day posting and looking at this page.

Confession #672:

...says the person who probably read half the posts before posting here. RT: "Anyone who posts here or visits this page has no life at all. And the admins have absolutely no fking life.You're all losers if you spend all day posting and looking at this page." -@ johhhs

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