So many confessions

I didn't want to breach the topic, but I must write.

Everyone in Nepal seems to have finally figured out what confessions are and think they are incredibly fun. So everyone has a confession group now. Confession group for Class-4 section D, confession group for class 8 section A first row, confession group for Gaurishankar House Cubicle 8. All of them anonymous too.

Dear gc8 guys, I used to steal your toothpaste every day from the locker in the middle. When the toothpaste there finished, I started breaking into the left locker's toothpaste. Was it gc8? What cubicle were you in Su? That room, you know, whatever room Su lived in.

Talking of that, Su and confessions, what made me write this was a confession by someone who 'led a different life' from classes 4-A2, and how he was not who he was and how everyone is surprised he went to the school. Because he is so not the 'type'. Lot of things wrong with that. To start, he should see a therapist if he's not already seeing one-- there's nothing wrong with it. More on that someday when I will talk about the trend of preemptively going to the therapist to prepare yourself for therapy-requiring experiences you might have.

This is to that person: Who are you and who are you? Who is the inside you and who is the outside you? What do you like, and what do you pretend to like? How were you different from everyone else? What makes you think every other self is the same, same, copycat, and you are the only different person, yo?

Sorry-- sorry for rambling and asking rhetorical questions. Here's my point: babu, many gay men and women have passed those gates, those shower stalls and those smelly dormitories, played in those muddy fields and done other decidedly ungay(you might say, because, you know, what defines you is a very specific set of things, yeah?) things. They were lying about the gender of partner they preferred for all those years. And you think you are the hero, huh mister?

Unless you're gay and that's where you're going. In which case, come out of the closet already. Don't make it so suspenseful -- I keep imagining exciting things (I have an interesting idea for an first-person story about how the narrator has a super-normal life until the day--the day when he graduates from college-- he is told that he is not a Homosapien but one of the 'lost' humanoid species that lost out to humans and was brought back by scientists, and it's going to be about how he took control of his fate and redefined what it means to be a person [you don't have to be a human to be a person, etcetc] ) and then am super-disappointed when you reveal your obvious 'secrets' (here's how everyone guesses/finds out: if you keep staring at guys' butts ALL the time, people WILL know you're gay, no matter how much you delude yourself into believe you're fooling everyone else), and I'll be all like, omyfkinggod did i reallly get thatexcited for thisshit?

On a slightly more serious note, our culture seems on a path to being catholicized -- no judgments. We have so many taboos, and try hard as we might, we seem to not overcome them. So we go the catholic way-- we confess, and try to atone for our 'crimes'.

But back to my schools confessions. They're not really confessions. They're hami bhanda ek batch senior daiharu and super-junior kids trying to rekindle their school days. Because that's what you do when you have a tough future ahead. You do things like writing about your school, your friends, and what you did there, and what they do now, like how they're opening up a confessions page, lol.

R out.

PS: You guys should really start commenting here yaar. I can see you and your geolocation in my stats page, so I *know* you're reading this.

PPS: The 'PS:' is, as you will notice, a desperate call for attention. Exactly what the confessions page are doing. Point proven. I'm really out now.

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