Some people really do have all the luck

 Friend of the blog [redacted initials] has all the luck, or is it luck really or was hard work put and it's paying off now, because really, having four dinner dates every week for several weeks in a row is really quite unfair, no, how are some people like magnets who seem to attract all the nice well educated interesting fun ambitious young childless brown women from the greater tri-state area? This is what privilege is! Orrr. Perhaps one with the energy to keep track of and converse with dozens of persons at a time, without fearing that they might lose the more interesting ones in the stampede, that brave soul, does deserve the rewards for such high act of gallantry and social excitement?

Overthinker-in-chief's lament

Is it possible,
The Chief wonders,
If the whole situation
Is not real
And I'm into it
Just for the
Muse of it?

He sips tea
From his
And asks himself,
Is this happening,
For reals
Is it a part of
I'm making myself do

The master overthinker,
He prods along
Analyzing, watching thinking
He can logic his way
Out of pain
And escape

Bubblegum flavored

We went to Trader Joe's the other day I was feeling adventurous so I got a 'mixed juice' cocktail from their tetrapaks. As readers of the blog are aware, non-fresh juices are sugar water literally no different from coke or fanta with absolutely no health benefits perhaps a little bit of vitamin c but if you're drinking the bottom shelf juice for your vit-c needs you've got bigger problems to take care of. The juice combo was banana-strawberry-orange, and mango too. Kinda strange combo no, a random mix of unrelated fruits. Except if you're trying to get rid of leftover pulp or 'juice material' or concentrates and need to come up with a creative way to market the dangerous sugary concoction. A racket, if you will. As most things are these days. And this kids, is how somebody got literally one step away from that fascist chant the orange fartballon used to defraud his followers.

Right, the juice was bubblegum-flavored and it know what, pretty goddarned good. It was difficult to not drink, kinda' addictive. It didn't quench one's thirst, rather I've been drinking two glasses of water for every glass of juice.

They should really color it pink and market it as bubble-gum juice. I'd buy the heck outta it.

Strange times, strange times we live in.

Don't just destroy things for no good

 Yeah so people are crazy and they want to pick fights for no reason...well not for no reason exactly, sometimes because they are bored and have nothing better to do, can't go to sleep at all, or sometimes and I'm being serious here, they call their exes who they haven't talked to for years apparently just because they want to get angry and horny and the same time because they want to go to sleep. But no don't do that, it's not a smart idea you won't be able to sleep the rest of the night and be in terrible mood for the rest of the week. Don't do that again, no no, specially not if you want to go out of valley for the extended Lhosar weekend because you just won't feel like it, with your bad decisions and what not. Also babe there's a goddamn pandemic or is it an endemic now gosh fucking shit I hate using the effing c-word.

That cutie whose name is a homophone of 'Rona

What a name, it's a good name unfortunately for her the assholes keep mispronouncing it to sound like the risky c-word and she's mad about it. So totally understandable. So cute, so capable, smart, such a great sibling, amazing parents too, probably. Don't know. The parents I mean. Or the sibling. Or her, for that matter. Or her friend. Yeah so she's a friend of a friend of a friend, whose sibling has been speaking to somebody I know, and I saw her photo somewhere and then inferred from the conversations.

What is it with these pathetic, rather desperate posts.

She is apparently applying for a super duper advanced degree in a super duper technical field and the air all gassed up comes out (from the mouth) because it's difficult to think of attractive women while breathing like a normal person. You know?

And then this goddamn game of chinese whispers where you tell somebody some thing, and they tell the other person some version of that, and it gets passed around a few more times in the tumbler, losing its original form to be barely identifiable until it -- unintentionally -- reaches the person of interest. And what they hear is not what you said, often it can be tangential to what was said. Do you man up (or vag up) and stand by the words they thought were said, or do you become a truthfighter  -- as in, a fighter for truth and not you know somebody who fights the truth which is approximately sixty percent of America and twenty percent of Canada at this moment -- and try to explain that nunnnuununnn what you said was you loooved the water vessel in their apartment and were wondering where you could buy them and not....whatever....was communicated to them.

Sure, you claim you're not an asshole, not a creep.

How do you know?

You sure there bud?

Where were you planning to go with the water-vessel gambit anyway, huh bud?

Miscommunication managed!

 Have I mentioned LP before, I most definitely must have because she's the one person I've managed miscommunication the best, ever. Even during a multi-year bout of non-talking, the channels were always open for interaction, and the parting words were always, you are a nice person otherwise lovely this is all a massive misunderstanding and we'll figure it out, I promise. And then you know what, we talked it over a couple of guinness glasses in the Irish pub in Kathmandu, by the way hella expensive, that's a matter of a whole series of posts, and totally not worth it shoulda drunk the Nepali beers, but like whatever, maaan she's an asset to have in my life, and I appreciate the presence. Yeah we're good acquaintances, but one's gotta maintain one's acquaintanships, look after them, can't let go maaan, can't let things go, people are important in life. Etcetera.


Must we

Stab me deep
Stab me hard
And let lose
The pungent smell
Cowardly spineless
Right from my heart.

Do it.

Vacation is over, mofos

 My vacation is over. mew mew mew.

Writings are gonna be coming in bulk, pew pew pew. Etcetera.

I feel dumb for not getting to the 'pathological need to steal credit for other people's farts' joke before this person did. Pathetic confession, it wasn't even an original joke, somebody said it in one of them Off Menu episodes and I just lifted it. Don't remember that I even wrote it down, it doesn't show up in the googles search. Pathetic.

Anywho, lesgo with the nonsense. More bullshit coming on, now that the extended vacation is done. And maaan what a vacation it was, having lasted almost two months. Wooooo.

"I'll first write the titles of the posts so I commit myself to write on it"

 He says, and doesn't write for the seven days that follow, because the frikkin' guy (read it in the voice of Nandor from What We Do In the Shadows) has been traveling a lot and pretends he doesn't get tired or he doesn't need personal space but really when one is sleeping on friends' couches and has little to no time or space of one's own, it can be tricky committing to something that needs to go out regularly. Which is how we're here. Alas. I'm writing this nine days after I'm dating it, because that's how things have gotten to, a new low for everybody involved most certainly.

30 more things, 2022 version

  1.  Ache in the arm

  2. Target-CVS combos

  3. Meal kit services

  4. Matt fucking Berry

  5. Billionaire single girls (sigh)

  6. Doctors

  7. Taco bell

  8. Margaritas

  9. Who even knows who Hugh Hefner is anymore

  10. Cutesy tea places

  11. Headache

  12. Bidet

  13. Popeyes

  14. Disappointment

  15. Crying Jenna

  16. DIY Electronic Toys, no not the sexy kind

  17. Lack of adult supervision

  18. Uniqlo

  19. Harry Potter

  20. 'muddler'

  21. Fancy hydroponics

  22. Deleted scenes

  23. ad-free hulu

  24. Northern Irish accent

  25. so.much.snow

  26. homemade jewelry

  27. Introducing single friends to each other

  28. desperate reality show contestants


  30. chromecast-inside-chromecast-inside-chromecast

Flight to KTM, curious ramblings during

Written originally on the 4th of December, almost two months ago.

Channouncements, kim's convenience, tv program.

Hate to be the bringer of bad news, what was that about huh? Some people love mung bean pancakes. We all have our blindspots, don't we. Beverly chan is a pink timbit. Nothing to worry about, your bag is always safe with me, I'm always here to protect you, appa says, rather creepily.

What is that, I just write something in my journal, but how do you know people like about.

Gerald never had a sushi burrito, well he's had one, but he didn't like.

Glad people are liking the situation, because it's not how things wnork here brothah, he said. This is gonna be a lot of paperwork, says kim chi looking at terrance. Now they're talking about how his pants are too tight and too short, he needs looser and longerr sorts.

This is the real terrance, and you have to deal wih it, warts and all. Why would you say something like that.

"I would like to address something that's come to my attention," Pastor Nina says, is she aware of the whole situation? I don't understand if pastor Neena is just blind or she's too clever.

THere is just one person writing all the complaints, says the girl Janet. Is she annoying, possibly. Why is Mr. Kim always stocking chips, how is that.

I went to the world, something something. Trip, ear infection, loving their dad etcetera. More about the dad too. I don't know who the daddy is! She got knocked up? You is pregnant, yes or no?! You read it somewhere or not? So you is not pregnant? Sooo you read my journal!?

Mr Kim let Mr. Chin read Janet's journal! WHy you can't find time to talk to me, is such a wonderful time you is having, they're such nonsense words, it's annoying. Pregnancy, i'm not going to read your journal. Maybe we can do soemthing sometime, after reading my journal. I know, you missed me I read all about it in the journal!

Congratulagtions janet, I read the good news.

Fun time's over, corporate found out about our corporate policy and sent shorts. Free shorts.



What it feels like to be in Kathmandu

 When I'm in Kathmandu it feels like having an awkward catchup with a former lover, somebody you had a loving and passionate love affair and now you've grown apart and sure there's a lot of things that are the same, but things have changed, you know? And yeah in theory you want to be together all the time, and everytime you meet you remember all of the awesome things about them and wonder why you ever left because this is awesome, it is everything you expected from somebody, and you keep hanging out with them, and parts of them that you didn't care for as much, and things that drove you apart become obvious. And then you start having trouble breathing properly (literally, in case of the city) and then you remember the problems and issues and how things didn't work out, and you can see those things happening again, and you're so goddamn glad you're not there anymore, so glad things went the way they did. But deep in your heart you have a small flame for them, ready to become an inferno that'll take you down that you fear but things have changed, you're a different person they're a different person you don't need to worry about it, of all the things to care about, ending up there would be low on the list of concerns. It's fine, you had a good time them, you're having a good time, the catchup was perfect everything you wanted, and now you're gonna go back in your non-them life, and explore the world, become a better person and trudge through adulthood. But maybe, mayyyybee, oneee dayyyy, you'll end up back? No, you tell yourself, never. Ever. Because of all the things, the ones you don't like, awful, yeah. As an adult you're more open to making compromises though, will you take a step back on those concerns? You're open to the possibilities, though aware that it would be extraordinary optimistic to assume it might go anywhere at all, though obviously not impossible.

Untitled and won't title

I yet again(!) I'm on the train from DC to Philly, from abode of friends to abode different friends, driven to the station by yet another bunch of friends. Hurray from the gift of valuable friendships I've been given!

And what now? It's dark, cold outside, and I'm going from South (relatively speaking) northwards. Which means it's gonna get colder snowier, darker, and I'll be lazier and fatter. Really gotta make one get out of the house and go on walks, yeah. They're getting several feed of snow further north due to the 'bomb snowfall' situation that I've fortunately skipped. Kinda lucked on that.

I'm writing after a while, on my laptop, I've got my smaller cheap disposable laptop, didn't open it through the entire 1.5month extended vacation and now that I'll be writing again, we're back on track, babyyy. Ssss sss ss.

People are buying houses here, moving into their own spaces in Kathmandu often for outrageous prices because...anything to get away from traditional extended family living. So much is happening in the circles I hang out with. And I'm fortunate to be an eager entranced observer.

How come

And if
We aren't lovers,
(We're not)
How is it that
Your ear sits
By my heart
And you hear
My thoughts
Before I do?
We gotta fix the situation.
Your privileged access
Into the CPU of my heart
Needs to be curtailed.
Hand the keys,

The Universal Conspiracy

You know, it feels like the Universe in its entirety, from the smallest knot of pure energy to the largest galactic superclusters, conspires to disappoint me at every goddamn turn.

Yeah like I don't get stoicism and there's no proper teacher to teach me, but ahhh is that really the best approach we have, lowering our expectations (or having none) so everything is impressive?


Yeah I'm back

That was vacation and I'm back, not much has been lost except my Dec/Jan numbers and honestly, fuck them, fuck the stupid numbers, the numbers don't run me.

There's much to write which means very little will actually get done. I'm in DC and going to Philly soon. Winter sucks balls, so bad, this is awful out there. In the west and out here in the east.

Nepal was fun, I'll put out more on that in the upcoming days.

The days come by unyeilding, unceasing, unending, without proper discipline and mental hygiene, one wears down alas specially in these times. I miss people. Jeeeez.

Fuck man, what's up with everything.

"Mom I need to go, my friend is getting beat up by girls"

Sometimes life is more fun exciting interesting that way, protecting your friend from getting beaten up by a group of girls.
Fools never go out much anyway.
It's gonna be okay though, people make mistakes.
You just have to bid your time.
Waiting, waiting, waiting.
Like a total psycho.

Lament of the loser hypocrite toxic chauvinist pig

Benefit of doubt.
I am.
Mad sad disappointed
At you
For the very things
I have done
And am doing.

Hurricane you (II)

Let me sit
On the front seat
Right next to you.
Not to hold your hands, no
To not see your face
So I won't fall again
In the deep dark infinite
Whirlpool of you.
Alluring, addictive, adorable.

What else
Is there
To say?

Urgent Complaint

Yeah I'm still in vacation but this is the second time I've had this happen to me, yes there's a lot more important and urgent things to complain about if I can remember them but this comes right now.

In Kathmandu, Mint tea is actually Mint, tea, as  in it's a regular tea with mint leaves sprinkled, and not, as one would expect after having lived in the US for sometime, tea of mint extract etc. It's a bummer because the reason I wanted the mint tea was because I don't do regular tea but like here we are ugh.

December stuff

Hey y'all I was out on vacation and didn't write because it was relaxation time. I'll summarize my last one month of experience in short.

The first half was incredibly fun, happening, so much good stuff. And then I got very ill, got my ass handed down to me, bed rest for almost two weeks and now I'm back to form but still incredibly weak and unable to drink or dance or shout or basically be myself for more than fifteen minutes. Besides the constant fits of cough.

My flight to the US was originally for the 30th now that's been moved by twelve days because I literally couldn't.

I don't feel too bad about not writing in the meanwhile because welllll....I was on holiday, okay, I needed to wind down from everything.
With that said, I might try to plump up December and January numbers, just to make myself look better.