Untitled and won't title

I yet again(!) I'm on the train from DC to Philly, from abode of friends to abode different friends, driven to the station by yet another bunch of friends. Hurray from the gift of valuable friendships I've been given!

And what now? It's dark, cold outside, and I'm going from South (relatively speaking) northwards. Which means it's gonna get colder snowier, darker, and I'll be lazier and fatter. Really gotta make one get out of the house and go on walks, yeah. They're getting several feed of snow further north due to the 'bomb snowfall' situation that I've fortunately skipped. Kinda lucked on that.

I'm writing after a while, on my laptop, I've got my smaller cheap disposable laptop, didn't open it through the entire 1.5month extended vacation and now that I'll be writing again, we're back on track, babyyy. Ssss sss ss.

People are buying houses here, moving into their own spaces in Kathmandu often for outrageous prices because...anything to get away from traditional extended family living. So much is happening in the circles I hang out with. And I'm fortunate to be an eager entranced observer.

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