The Dancing Stars

WARNING: The write-up following this warning has the frequent use of the word 'whore' and also has several minor and indirect references to sex, though most people might not be able to get it. If you are a smart person who gets sarcasm, and are uncomfortable with words like 'sex', 'whores' etcetera, you are advised to immediately close the window and go back to using facebook. If you happen to be related to the writer, please give a 500-word explanation on why you are reading this, even though he has NEVER given you, or anyone else, any hint of the existence of such a page as this. If you are a dumbo who will not get even easy pop-culture references, move ahead with full steam! And enjoy the dirty words!!!

I learned a very important life lesson from one of my close friends yesterday: you should never, ever let a dancer who you suspect is also an illegal service provider, from taking a sip from your bottle of drink. Things will get weird REAL fast, and you will have to abandon the exuberantly-priced drink forever. NO, you can NOT drink it after cleaning the glass and stuff. I don't understand why, but that's the rule, apparently.

What interests me is whether the dancer would still have drunk the drink had it been of less alcoholic nature. Say, you are in a place you really, really should not be, where you can be arrested from simply because you were there.You are drinking your glass of Fanta-- and lets be honest, who does not enjoy a glass of Fanta or two when things get too heated-- when the dancer comes around to your table. You are not sure what to do, because if you flirt, Ewww man what were you thinking..Standards, man, standards, and if you dont, you look like a total wuss. So you give a shot to your cool-dude look, and sort of smile that you know exudes confidence and coolness. The dancer does not notice, but what does she do? Will she take the glass and drink it as if it were some exotic drink, or laugh at you because come on, Fanta?

Warning: the following paragraph has the s-word in it. Leave now if you are offended. I shall not be responsible for the mental trauma you may experience after reading the following paragraph. Proceed with caution!!!

My friend was lucky he and the others were not caught. Apparently, the place they went to is one of the most frequently-raided places in Kathmandu, and many suspect some of the dancers there sometime also moonshine as(brace for it) sex-workers. I am not sure if it's the having a side job thing that the police mind or the nature of the job, but the important thing is, the police are not happy with those people. Those dancers are not good enough, then?

Also, someone told me the other day that such dancers are basically students who come from faraway districts who want to have THE dream lifestyle, but once they realize they cannot afford it in three lifetimes if they go the conventional way, they choose slightly unconventional way. I wonder how much of student-ing they get to do, with all the jobs they have. And what do they study anyways? International relations? Fluid Dynamics? Quantum Mechanics? Law? My guess is Business Studies, so they can study their market, and cater even to several niche markets, but whatever.

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