Pictures from Singapore: Long exposure shots

I bought my camera in Singapore, and I was really excited to test how the long exposure worked. These are my very first experiments with long exposure. They may not be pretty or interesting, but they did teach me what to do and what not to while talking a long exposure shot.
The first three photos were taken from an overhead bridge of the traffic flowing below.

The second was exposed for 9 seconds, the third for 2 seconds. Since the traffic was really very fast at that time, all you see are blurs of the lights of vehicles.

This photo was taken from the window of the flat I was in. This is my best experimental photo: it has just the right balance of vehicular speed and shutter speed. You can totally make out the bus, and yet you can also see its ghost images behind and in
front of it.

The remaining pictures are the results of our experiments in trying to create something interesting out of the long-exposure shots. It was our first try--the best we ended up with were a terribly drawn smiley figure and a sign of infinity that looked more like a circle.

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