Photos from Singapore: Singapore Zoo

Singapore zoo is awesome. Some pics.

This one is a White Tiger-- a Seto Bagh. I assumed it was an Albino, but apparently some tigers that are not albinos are also white. This tiger was massive, even by Tiger standards, but that is apparently to be expected for those beasts.
Bandels. Reminded me of three things. 1) When Lord Bishnu becoms a Badel and saves the Earth from drowning(I thought the li'l guy in the picture looked a lot like the Bishnu shown in the posters)

2) Dharan ko Kalo Bangur(Yom, yum yum) I like it boiled, and then dipped it salt and chilly powder. Even the fat tastes so good.

3) A friend from BNKS who was called Badel. Hello Raj--- if you ever look at this!
Long live Steve Irwin. Irwin was apparently a great friend of Singapore Zoo, and worked frequently with it. I was shocked how popular he still is in Singapore-- a 4-YO boy showed the portrait of Irwin to his mother and said 'Look mum, Steve Irwin! The Crocodile guy!'
The Walrus show. It's balancing the ball on its nose. Cute animals look a lot less cute when you look at them from far away. To me, this Walrus was just another employee of the zoo, like his handlers, rather than a cute and adorable creature. I guess we just didn't connect.
A Chimp looking below. I felt really sorry for the guy--this was probably one of the best places he could be in, and yet his eyes were sad and miserable.

And then there was this family of Chimps who were playing with humans. One of the larger Chimps was literally begging for sunglasses from one of the visitors, and she found it so touching that she almost gave it to him. The handler interrupted, harshly reminded the woman not to give anything to the animals anything and then went on to sold the Chimp. The Chimp gave a sort of whimper, got hold of its baby which was playing with some little kids, and ran away to one of the tree tops. The baby was all 'Mommy, I wanna go play' and the Chimp was all 'Shut it! Didn't you see you mommy getting humiliated?'

Singapore zoo... Sooo Cute! --->>>
Heh. I can guess what the Leopard is thinking-- "When I get outta' here, I wanna have the little girl with lots of herbs, and that fatso with deer."
A family of Lions. I felt sorry for them too... Those majestic creatures, having to constrict themselves in the little area, with so little place to play and jump around. I sort of wished something like Madagascar would happen--except in reality it would end with lots of dead human babies and elderly people.

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