Photos from Singapore: Vivo City Mall

These are the images from Vivo City Mall, the largest single mall in Singapore. You will find that all the malls are connected at the Orchard strip, making it a kind of Giga mall, but for an independent mall, Vivo is the largest. It was also one of my favourite.
I like to call this 'The Strip of Death'. At first, I thought this was some kind of slide to from to the ground floor, before I realised that if someone did slide down it the only place they would reach would be the hospital(either the emergency room or the mortuary, but a hospital nonetheless). I like how quirky and interesting it is and is there for absolutely no functional purpose.
The 'Super-flower' just outside Vivo. I understand this is an artwork, but look just how friggin big and awesome that flower is... You know what would have been even cooler? Rent out bee costumes and let people go in there. Those suckers can then pretend to love sucking the nectar and make honey while Vivo would be all Ka-Ching$$$... I would become a bee, for one.
Vivo is right beside River Quay. You can see all the passenger ships coming into Singapore and going out from there. It also faces Sentosa Island-- the buildings in the background are parts of Universal Studios, Singapore in Sentosa island.
The last two pictures are from Vivo's roof and they show how friggin' huge it is. The roof has one huge amphitheatre, two large swimming pools, one gigantic pond for children, one toy jungle, and a small actual rainforest with trees and all. You don't get the idea of the size until you are actually there, and when you are there, you have a hard time believing that you are actually on a roof of a building.

The Amphitheatre on Vivo's roof. The Amphitheatre in itself is larger than any cinema hall Kathmandu has, and it's only a tiny-tiny part of the absolutely monstrous roof.

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