Basantapur Pictures III

Photos from Basantapur. This is the last of the series, 'cuz I have other things to do.

The Kite-flying kid.

This is Dashain. Indrachowk and the surrounding areas are always jam-packed with people and motorbikes and bhariyas during  dashain-Tihar. It took me 15 minutes to walk through the crowd seen in the picture.

Basantapur Darbar. And kids flying kites. And people cheating overcharging selling curios to tourists.

A little girl with a kite which she can't fly because her brothers wont let her to

A long-exposure pic of main Square

Another long-exposure pic of the main square.

The main sqaure

Kids, kites, cameras and Koreans

Koreans, kites, cameras, kids,

Cameras and koreans, Kids

Babajis and temples


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