HIMYM craze is all the rage: long live How I Met Your Mother

I said it once before but now it's official(for me): How I Met Your Mother is officially the new FRIENDS in Nepal. For anyone who does not know, HIMYM is a story of five friends who go to a BAR every evening (take THAT, you wimps of a coffee shop) and talk and things happen. The main theme is that this Ted guy is telling his kids in 2030 about how he met their mother(his wife). The show is in sixth season, and he is STILL telling them the story. Joel Stein (Funfact: I  like 4 fanpages in facebook, one of which is Joel Stein is a GOD, so you get the idea) commented about the show in Twitter:
I still love HIMYM, but at this point, I don't care if Ted Mosby marries his own mother
That says at least two things about the show: the fact that  even JOEL STEIN 'loves' HIMYM is the proof of the show's Frikkin' Awesomeness. Second, the show's not really about Ted meeting the mother anymore. It's actually kinda-sorta the 21st century CBS version of the dated FRIENDS, but only much, much better (and funnier, and dirtier... they would never have dared some of HIMYM jokes on FRIENDS)

And the proof: I am yet to meet anyone who's not watched or at least heard of Himym recently. There's no show apart from Friends that's done that, and now even that show's getting tooo old for younger kids(like me, teheehe).

Oh, and pretty soon, the next HIMYM is gonna be Modern Family, after HIMYM ends. Or not. It doesn't use laugh tracks, so a LOT of people are prolly gonna get confused about when to laugh.


  1. hey now, i watch himym and i am a bit of a prude, so i do find some of waht they call humor to be crass ... but all in all it's a GREAT show.

    it won't find a cult like lost ... but that's probably because normal people who accept reality watch this.

    but, still missing friends,

  2. Haha! You dont sayyy!!

    I know lotsa phuchhis in grades 8 and 9 loove it... Haha, one even had 'I <3<3<3 Ted Mosby' , and then when I tease them about being too close almost all of them say

    'Nooo,we not Lesbos hai!'

    ...I feel soo old...

  3. agreed! Even up until a few months back it wasn't this many people but now its EVERYONE!
    You should see me with my friends, we are nearly always talking about HIMYM and I know at least a 100 other people who love it as much as we do!
    But I don't compare Friends with HIMYM, its just not right to compare. That was a completely different era, this is a new one.


Tell me what you think. I'll read, promise.